Steubenville South

Steubenville South is a special part of Steubenville, Ohio. It’s a place where families live, kids play and people work. This area has its own stories to tell.

Here, you can find parks where you can play ball or have a picnic. Some people like to fish in the Ohio River, which is not too far away.

Folks in Steubenville South care a lot about their schools. They cheer for their teams, especially during football season. It’s a big deal here!

Even though it’s just one part of the city, Steubenville South helps make the whole place feel like home. People smile and say “hello” when they walk by. It makes you feel good.

There are factories and small shops where people from Steubenville South work. They make things or help others. It’s important work that keeps the city going.

History of Steubenville South

Long ago, Steubenville South was just farms and woods. People started to build homes and the area began to grow. That was the start of the neighborhood we see today.

Big factories came to Steubenville South. They made steel and other stuff. Lots of people came to work in these big places.

There was a time when things got tough in Steubenville South. The big factories closed and people lost their jobs. But the folks here didn’t give up.

Over time, new kinds of jobs came. Instead of big factories, smaller businesses started up. People began working in stores, restaurants, and other small places.

Steubenville South has some old buildings that are really important. They remind us of the past. Some have been there for over a hundred years!

Now, Steubenville South is changing again. New families are moving in. They’re fixing up old houses and making them look nice once more.

Origin of the Name

Long ago, Steubenville South was much different than it is today. It started with only a few houses and lots of land. People came here for a new start.

Steamboats used to be very important in Steubenville. They traveled on the Ohio River, carrying people and goods. This helped the town grow.

Steel mills were built and became a big part of life in Steubenville. Many people’s parents and grandparents worked there. These mills made Steubenville South strong.

Over time, things changed. Some factories closed, but new businesses came. These changes made Steubenville South what it is now.

Today, there are new places to eat and shop in Steubenville South. There are also old buildings that remind us of the past. It’s like a mix of old and new.

Every year, there’s a festival in Steubenville South. It brings everyone together with music, food, and games. It’s fun to learn about the past and make new memories.

Development and Growth

Before it got busy, Steubenville South was covered in thick woods. Hunters and farmers first lived in this area. They made trails through the woods that turned into roads later on.

When trains came, more people moved to Steubenville South. Trains made it easier to get here and to take things to other places. This was a big deal back then.

The town got a name from a fort called Fort Steuben. It was named after a general. People liked the name so they kept it for the town.

Schools started popping up in Steubenville South. Kids learned reading, writing, and other important things. These schools are bigger and have more kids in them now.

Churches were built too. People went to church on Sundays and on special days. Some of these churches are still around today.

People in Steubenville South used to go to the downtown area a lot. They met friends, went to stores, and saw movies. Downtown was the heart of the community.

There’s a big bridge in Steubenville South that goes over the Ohio River. It connects Ohio to West Virginia. It’s been there for a long time and is a big part of the town’s story.

Sports have always been popular here. People played baseball, football, and other games. Today, kids and grown-ups still play sports and cheer for their teams.

Some famous people grew up in Steubenville South. They went on to do great things and still remember their hometown. People in town are proud of them.

In the fall, the leaves in Steubenville South turn bright colors. It looks really pretty and makes people happy. Fall is a special time in the town.

Historical Significance

Years ago, Steubenville South made a lot of stuff out of clay like bricks and dishes. This helped the town grow because people needed those things to build houses and eat their meals.

Factories were important in Steubenville South. They made metal things like nails and wires. Lots of people had jobs in these factories. The town was busy because of all the work.

Back then, Steubenville South had a lot of boats on the river. The Ohio River was like a road for boats. They carried coal, wood, and other stuff from place to place.

There was a big event in Steubenville South a long time ago, called the “Great Flood”. Water from the river got really high and flooded the town. It made a mess, but the town fixed everything after.

Once, a famous fire happened in Steubenville South. It burned up parts of the town. People worked together to rebuild the buildings and homes that were lost.

Long ago, there was a fight called the Civil War. Steubenville South was part of it because it was close to the South, but it stayed with the North. Soldiers traveled through the town.

Many years ago, kids played different games than today. They played with marbles, jacks, and jumped rope. These games didn’t need batteries or screens.

Some of the old buildings in Steubenville South are still standing. They look very old but are cool to see. They tell us stories about the past.

Celebrations in Steubenville South were big fun. People had parades, picnics, and music. They still have these parties, just like a long time ago.

There’s a river walk in Steubenville South where you can see the river and watch boats. It’s a peaceful place that’s been around for a while.

Current Cultural and Economic Landscape

Today, Steubenville South is still changing. It does not have as many factories, but new kinds of work are coming. People are doing jobs in health care and helping others stay healthy.

People in Steubenville South enjoy sports. Football and baseball games are big here. Kids and grown-ups love cheering for their favorite teams.

Families like to go to parks in Steubenville South. They can play on swings, go down slides, and have fun outside. The parks are pretty with lots of trees and flowers.

Art is getting popular in Steubenville South too. You can find colorful murals on walls around town. They make the city look bright and happy.

There’s a college in Steubenville South named Franciscan University. It brings students from many places. They study and learn all kinds of things.

Many folks here love history. There are museums where you can learn about old times. They show you what life was like many years ago.

Every year, there’s a big fair in Steubenville South. It’s called the Dean Martin Festival. People come to hear music, eat yummy food, and have a good time.

Steubenville South is not as busy as it was when factories were everywhere. But there are new shops and places to eat where people like to go.

There are farms near Steubenville South. They grow food like corn and tomatoes. Sometimes, there’s a market where you can buy this fresh stuff to eat.

People work together in Steubenville South to make it better. They clean up streets, plant flowers, and fix things that are broken. It’s nice to see how much they care.

Economic Drivers

Now, Steubenville South is changing. New shops and places to eat are opening. It’s not just about factories anymore.

People are making art and music here too. There’s a cool mural that tells a story about the town. It’s big and colorful and you can see it when you drive by.

Some people are trying to make Steubenville South nicer for everyone. They clean up parks and plant flowers. It’s looking prettier these days.

Even though there aren’t as many big boats, the Ohio River is still important. People go fishing and have picnics by the water.

Technology is a new thing in town. Some kids are learning how to make games and programs on computers. They’re really smart!

There are still some old factories, but they don’t make nails or wires anymore. Now, they might make parts for cars or medicine.

Kids in Steubenville South go to schools where they can play sports like football and basketball. They work hard and have fun.

The town is like a big family. People help each other out when they need it. Neighbors might mow your lawn or bring you soup when you’re sick.

The holidays are special in Steubenville South. On the Fourth of July, there are fireworks that light up the sky. Everyone gets together to watch.

There’s a festival where people celebrate their history. They eat food that their great-grandparents used to eat and play old-timey music.

Cultural Events and Attractions

Steubenville South is growing. Families are moving in, and new houses are being built. It’s becoming a place more people call home.

There are fun things to do, like going to the movies or bowling. Friends hang out on weekends and have a good time together.

Businesses are doing well too. There’s a new grocery store with fresh fruits and veggies. It’s easier to find good food to eat now.

People in town care about learning. The local library has books and computers for everyone. You can read or surf the web there for free.

Local artists are helping to make Steubenville South pretty. They paint pictures on buildings, and it makes the town look happy.

Some folks work in hospitals or schools. They help keep everyone healthy and learning new things every day.

Sports are big here. Lots of kids join teams and play soccer or baseball. It’s a way to have fun and stay fit.

In the fall, the town has a parade. Bands play music and kids get to march. It’s a celebration that brings everyone together.

On weekends, families might go to the farmer’s market. They buy food made by people who live nearby. It’s fresh and tastes good.

Steubenville South is not too big, but it’s not too small. It’s just right for people who like being part of a community where everyone knows each other.

Demographic Profile

Every year, Steubenville South hosts big events. The Dean Martin Festival is one of them. People come to enjoy music and remember the famous singer.

Lots of people here work in different places. Some work in Steubenville or even Pittsburgh. They drive a little but it’s worth it for the jobs they like.

Kids here go to school close to home. The schools are getting better every year. Teachers work hard to help students learn and do their best.

Steubenville South is near the Ohio River. This helps some businesses move things they make to other places. The river is important for jobs.

People here like to help others. They volunteer at places like food banks. This is where food is given to people who need it. It’s good to help.

The Fort Steuben Mall is a place people go to shop. It has stores where you can find clothes or toys. Sometimes there are special sales.

More businesses are coming to Steubenville South. This means more jobs. People are happy because they can work and live in the same place.

There are parks here too. Kids can play on swings or go down slides. Parks are nice places to be outside and enjoy the sun.

People celebrate holidays together, like the Fourth of July. There’s a big fireworks show that lights up the sky. It’s fun to watch with friends.

Many people in Steubenville South have gardens. They grow tomatoes or flowers. It’s nice to have your own garden to take care of.

Relationship with Nearby Cities

Steubenville South is close to Weirton, WV. They are like neighbors. People visit family or go shopping in Weirton.

Some people work in Weirton too. They can get to work pretty quick. It’s nice when you don’t have to drive far.

Wheeling, WV, is not too far either. Families sometimes go there for fun. They have a big zoo and cool places to see.

Kids play sports with teams from Wheeling. They make new friends. It’s fun to meet kids from other cities.

Steubenville is the city that’s the closest. Steubenville South is part of it. They share a name and a lot of history.

There are bridges over the Ohio River. These bridges connect Steubenville South to these cities. Crossing the river is easy.

When there’s a big game, people from all three cities come to watch. They cheer for their teams. It’s great to see everyone together.

On weekends, some families go to Steubenville. They might watch a movie or eat at a restaurant. It’s nice to have fun places nearby.

Wheeling, WV

Steubenville South is close to some other cities. Wheeling in West Virginia is one of them. It’s not too far to drive for a day trip.

They play sports against teams from Weirton. It’s fun to compete and make new friends. It’s also good to feel part of a bigger team.

There’s a bridge that connects Steubenville to West Virginia. It makes it easy to visit places like Wheeling. People go there to shop and have fun.

Some folks have family in Wheeling or Weirton. They cross the river to see them. It’s nice that they don’t have to go too far.

Kids from Steubenville might meet other kids from these cities. They could meet at games or even on trips. It’s cool to meet kids who live near you but in another place.

People from Wheeling and Weirton come to events in Steubenville. They come for festivals and big shows. It’s great to share fun times with neighbors.

Businesses in Steubenville South work with those in nearby cities. They help each other and share ideas. This makes all the towns stronger.

Weirton, WV

Some people in Steubenville South go to school in other cities. They ride buses or get rides every day. They study and play sports there too.

There are rivers and hills between these cities. But they still feel like one big place. Everyone shares the beautiful Ohio Valley.

Folks from Steubenville South like the history in Wheeling. They visit the old buildings and learn a lot. It’s like a fun history lesson.

People who work in Steubenville South might work in Weirton too. They drive to work across the river. It’s like having a job in two places.

On weekends, families from all three cities might go fishing together. They find good spots on the Ohio River. They catch fish and have picnics.

Some businesses in Steubenville South are owned by people from Weirton or Wheeling. They bring different things to sell. It’s good because you get more choices when you shop.

When it snows, the cities help each other clear the roads. They share trucks and tools to make it safe. This way, everyone can travel without worry.


Steubenville South is a special part of the Ohio Valley. It’s a place where neighbors help each other. No matter if they live in Ohio or across the river in West Virginia.

Kids get excited for field trips to museums in Wheeling. They learn about glass and how it shaped the area’s history. It’s so close and interesting!

And when the football games happen, everyone cheers together. It doesn’t matter if it’s Steubenville, Weirton, or Wheeling playing. People here love their sports teams a lot!

In the summer, the festivals around here are the best. There’s music, food, and games. Families have fun and make memories that last a very long time.

It’s clear that Steubenville South isn’t just a place. It’s a big family. The people, the rivers, and the hills connect us all. We share more than just a spot on the map.

Overall, whether you’re in Steubenville South or any nearby city, you’re part of the Ohio Valley family. That’s pretty awesome, isn’t it?