Things To Do In Wheeling Wv

Welcome to Wheeling, WV! This charming town is full of fun stuff to do for everyone. From amazing parks to cool places where you can learn, there’s a whole list of activities waiting for you.

Do you like to explore outside? Wheeling has beautiful trails and a big zoo. The Oglebay Park is a great spot where you can see animals, play golf, and splash in a pool. Or if you love to stroll and shop, check out the Centre Market where you’ll find neat shops and yummy treats.

For the history buffs, Wheeling is a gold mine. The Wheeling Suspension Bridge is an old bridge that’s pretty famous around here. And don’t miss the chance to see the amazing Capitol Theatre. If you’re into stories about old times, there are tours that will take you back to the days when Wheeling was just starting up!

Exploring Wheeling’s Rich History

Think about stepping back in time when you visit Wheeling. One of the best places is the Wheeling Heritage Trail. It’s a path where trains used to run! Now you can bike or walk and imagine the trains that were here long ago.

Don’t forget about the museums! The Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum is super cool. It’s like a treasure chest full of old toys and trains. Imagine playing with toys from when your grandparents were kids. It’s fun to see what they enjoyed!

Then there’s the West Virginia Independence Hall. It was a big deal because it’s where our state was born. Talk about history! It’s an old building with lots of stories. People who like to learn about the past will love it here. They have old papers and things from a long time ago that helped make our state.

Discover Wheeling Heritage Trail

Now, let’s dive into more about the past in Wheeling. If you’re curious about how people lived a long time ago, you can visit the Wheeling Heritage Trail. It’s like a path that takes you on a journey through the town’s history. You’ll see cool old buildings and learn fun facts along the way.

Another awesome place is the Victoria Theater. It’s the oldest theater in West Virginia. Can you imagine watching a show in a place that’s been around since the 1800s? That’s what you can do here!

And there’s more! The West Virginia Independence Hall is where some big decisions were made years ago. It’s important because that’s where West Virginia decided to become its own state during the Civil War. Going there is like stepping into a history book. You’ll get to see where leaders talked and made plans that changed our state forever.

Tour the Victorian Old Town

Wheeling has an amazing bridge called the Wheeling Suspension Bridge. It’s really old and was the biggest suspension bridge in the world when it was built. People still drive over it today! It links the city together and lets you see the Ohio River in a special way.

Do you like old trains? Then you should check out the Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum. They have lots of toy trains and even real train stuff. It’s fun to see all the different kinds and imagine them chugging along long ago.

There’s also a neat place called Oglebay. It’s a big park with lots of things to do. You can visit the zoo, swim, golf, and even look at stars in their sky dome. It’s a really cool spot to have fun and learn something new at the same time.

Visit the West Virginia Independence Hall

If you’re into history, you’ll want to visit the Wheeling Heritage Trail. This trail takes you on a journey through Wheeling’s past. You can walk or bike and see where old factories and railroads used to be. Signs along the way tell you cool stories about the city.

Don’t miss the West Virginia Independence Hall. It’s a special building because it’s where the state of West Virginia was born. Now it’s a museum. When you walk inside, it’s like traveling back in time. They have old flags and things people used back in the 1800s. It’s super interesting!

Finally, make sure to go see the Victoria Theater. It’s the oldest theater in West Virginia. Imagine watching a show there just like people did over a hundred years ago! They still have plays and concerts, so maybe you can catch a show. It’s a real piece of Wheeling history still alive today.

Outdoor Adventures in Wheeling

Get ready for some fun at the Oglebay Park! This place is huge and has tons of stuff to do. You can play mini-golf, visit a zoo, and even swim. The zoo has animals from all over the world. How cool is that?

Want to feel like you’re on top of the world? Then you’ve got to check out the Wheeling Suspension Bridge. It’s super old and was the biggest bridge like it when it was built. You can walk across and see the river below.

Do you like to hike or fish? If you do, Wheeling has spots for that too. Try the trails at Wheeling Park or go fishing at the Heritage Port. Being outside and exploring is awesome here. Plus, you might make some new friends while you’re at it!

Biking along the Ohio River Trail

Do you like animals and nature? Oglebay Park is the perfect spot to explore. They have gardens, a zoo, and lots of places to run and play. The zoo is called the Good Zoo. It has animals like red pandas and cheetahs. Remember to bring your camera to take pictures of the animals.

If you’re all about action, check out the Adventure Park at Grand Vue Park. You can zip through the trees on ziplines. If you’re brave, try walking across rope bridges way up in the air. It’s safe, but it sure feels wild!

Love being on the water? Wheeling has cool river tours on the Ohio River. You can hop on a boat and see the city from the water. It’s a whole new way to look at Wheeling and you might see some fish or birds along the way.

Hiking at Oglebay Park

Wheeling has a secret spot for skateboarders and bikers. It’s called the Wheeling Skatepark. You can slide down ramps and flip in the air. Just make sure to wear your helmet to stay safe while having fun.

Do you have a pair of hiking boots? You should visit the trails at Wheeling Heritage Trail. It’s a place where you can walk or ride your bike. You’ll see trees, rivers, and maybe even some deer if you’re quiet. It’s a great place to get some fresh air and exercise.

There’s also a spot for fishing at Wheeling Park. You can sit by the pond and wait for a fish to bite. If you don’t have a fishing pole, that’s okay! You can feed the ducks or have a picnic nearby. It’s a peaceful place to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Fishing at Wheeling Creek

Ever seen a garden in the sky? You can at the Oglebay Resort’s Aerial Challenge Course. It’s way up in the trees and you get to climb and zip through them like a bird! Don’t worry, it’s safe because they give you a harness. It’s super fun to see everything from up high.

If you like to watch birds and animals, check out Schrader Environmental Center. They have places to look at birds, and you might learn something new about them. Plus, they have fun games and activities to help you learn about nature. Make sure to bring your curiosity with you!

And if you’re into splashing and sliding, visit the Wheeling Waterfront. In the summer, there’s a cool splash pad where you can beat the heat. It’s like a big outdoor sprinkler! You can also see boats on the river, or try catching a big fish from the dock.

Oglebay Park isn’t just for big kids. They have a Good Zoo with all sorts of animals, from fluffy bunnies to big, bold lions. You can see them up close, and sometimes they even let you pet some of them! Remember to be gentle and quiet so you don’t scare them.

Cultural Experiences and Entertainment

Are you ready for a show? The Capitol Theatre in Wheeling is the place to be. They put on plays, concerts, and other cool events. Some shows are just for kids, so you can watch stories come to life on stage. Don’t forget to ask for popcorn!

Wheeling also has a place called the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra. Imagine lots of musicians playing music together. It’s like the music you hear in movies but live! Sometimes the music is fast and exciting, other times it’s slow and beautiful. Plus, they do concerts right by the river in the summer.

You might also want to check out the Wheeling Artisan Center. It’s a big building with lots of handmade stuff. There are paintings, sculptures, and even jewelry. Everything there is made by artists from around here. You can watch some of them make their art, and maybe even try making your own.

For a trip back in time, head over to the Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum in Wheeling. It’s like walking into a toy box from the past. There are old-fashioned trains, dolls, and games. You can learn about toys from a long time ago and see how kids had fun before smartphones and video games.

Attend a Show at the Capitol Theatre

Want to see a play or a concert? Check out the Capitol Theatre in Wheeling, WV. They have shows where people act, sing, and dance on stage. It’s like watching a movie, but the actors are right there in front of you!

Another awesome place is the Heritage Port Amphitheater. It’s outdoors, so you can watch plays and listen to music in the fresh air. Sometimes they even have movie nights under the stars. Bring a blanket to sit on and some snacks to enjoy.

Art is super cool, and at the Stifel Fine Arts Center, you can see lots of it. They have paintings and sculptures that artists have made. You can look at all the colors and shapes and think about what stories they tell. Art can be really fun to explore.

Ever tried dancing? The Wheeling Symphony Orchestra sometimes has free events where they play music and you can dance along. Don’t worry if you don’t know how; just move to the music and have a good time.

Finally, for a trip back in time, visit Wheeling Island’s Victoria Theater. It’s the oldest theater in West Virginia! They do some cool old movies and plays that can make you feel like you’re in a different time period.

Explore the Artisan Center

Do you like to learn about old stuff? In Wheeling, WV, there’s a place called Oglebay’s Mansion Museum. It’s a big, pretty house that’s been turned into a museum. You can walk through and see things from a long time ago, like old furniture and clothes. It’s like stepping into a time machine!

And guess what? There’s a zoo in Wheeling too! It’s called the Oglebay Good Zoo. They have animals from all over the world. Make sure to check out the Discovery Lab to touch cool animal skins and learn about different habitats. It’s a great way to have fun and learn something new.

Let’s not forget the festivals. Wheeling loves festivals! One of the best is the Italian Festival where you can eat yummy food like spaghetti and pizza, and there’s music and dancing. It feels like a big fun party with all your neighbors.

Do you like to solve mysteries? Then you’d love the “Escape Room Wheeling” in the Centre Market. You go into a room with your friends and try to find clues to get out. It’s like being in a detective story!

If you’re in Weirton, WV, you can’t miss the Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center. They tell stories about the town and the people who live there. You can learn a lot and see cool old things like tools and toys from the past.

Over in Steubenville, OH, you can see amazing Christmas displays during the Steubenville Nutcracker Village & Advent Market. It’s full of big nutcracker statues and bright lights. You can get hot chocolate and feel super cozy while you walk around looking at all the nutcrackers.

Taste Local Flavors at the Centre Market

Wheeling, West Virginia, has a spot called Capitol Theatre. Here you can watch live shows, like plays or concerts. Sometimes they show movies too. The building is old and has a neat look to it. When the lights dim, and the show starts, it feels special, like a big deal.

Did you know Wheeling has a place to watch people race cars? It’s called the Wheeling Island Hotel-Casino-Racetrack. Besides fast cars, they have games where you can win prizes. It’s loud, exciting, and bright with lots of lights. Make sure a grown-up comes along if you want to check it out!

In Weirton, they have a neat day called the Festival of Nations. People show off dances, clothes, and foods from different countries. It’s like traveling the world without having to leave town. You can taste new foods and see colorful costumes!

If you’re into music, Steubenville has the Dean Martin Festival. Dean Martin was a famous singer from a long time ago. At the festival, people sing his songs and tell stories about him. It’s fun to listen to the music and see how much others enjoy it too.


There are so many cool things to do in Wheeling, WV and nearby towns! You can watch a show in a fancy theatre or cheer during a car race. Each place has its own kind of fun.

In Weirton, you can learn about the world in just one day. Imagine eating foods from far away lands! And in Steubenville, you can hear songs from the past and feel like you’re at a big music party.

So, if you’re looking for adventure or just something new to do, these towns have plenty to offer. It’s great for families, friends, and anyone who likes to explore. Don’t forget, there’s always more to discover, so keep an eye out for new and exciting things to do!