Events Wheeling Wv

Wheeling, West Virginia, is a fun place filled with cool stuff to do all year. In every season, Wheeling has events that bring people together. From music to food, and from sports to history, there’s something for everyone.

The city is on the river, which means boat races in summer and festivals by the water. When it gets cold, Wheeling Park dresses up in twinkly lights, and the whole town feels like a holiday party.

People in Wheeling love their heritage, so there are lots of times when the city celebrates with parades. Plus, artists from around here and far away come to show their crafts and play music.

History and Significance of Events in Wheeling, WV

Long ago, Wheeling was a very important city. It was the first capital of West Virginia! Many brave people fought in a big Civil War battle near here, and that’s part of the history that Wheeling remembers.

Every year, folks in Wheeling get excited for a big event called the Wheeling Jamboree. It’s a huge country music show that’s been around since 1933! Can you believe it’s been going on for that long? It’s a big deal for music lovers.

There’s also a cool race called the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic. People come to run and cheer on a warm day in May. And guess what? Kids can run a special race just for them, so everyone can join in the fun!

Victorian Old Town Wheeling is special too. Every so often, they have Victorian Weekend where you can see how people lived over 100 years ago. They dress up in old-timey clothes and have fun games from the past.

For those who love to learn, there’s the Upper Ohio Valley Italian Festival. It’s one of the biggest Italian festivals in the country! You can eat yummy food, dance to lively music, and learn about Italian culture right in Wheeling.

Another big event is the Heritage Music BluesFest. This brings blues music stars to the city and fills the air with cool tunes. People from all over come to listen, dance, and have a good time together.

The Birthplace of West Virginia

Long ago, Wheeling was a big deal because it was on the National Road. That’s like a really old highway people used to travel on. This road helped Wheeling grow and become an important place.

Each year, Wheeling remembers its past with a special event called Victorian Old Town. People dress up like they did over 100 years ago, and there are old-timey games and food. Kids and adults get to learn and have fun.

Wheeling is also famous for a big fight that happened long ago, called the Battle of Fort Henry. Now, there’s a weekend where everyone can watch a reenactment, which is like a play of the battle. This helps people never to forget what happened.

The Ohio County Fair is another big event in Wheeling. It’s at the fairgrounds with rides, animals, and yummy treats like cotton candy. It’s a great time for families to hang out and have a blast.

Lastly, Wheeling has a marathon that’s really tough but also exciting. Lots of runners come to try and beat their best times. Even if you don’t run, cheering for the racers is super fun.

Wheeling’s Heritage Festivals

Wheeling loves to celebrate, and one cool way is the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra. They play music outside, and people bring blankets to sit and listen. It’s like a big picnic with music in the air.

Another event is called the Heritage Music BluesFest. The music is called the blues, and it’s full of feeling. Musicians come to play, and everyone claps and dances.

In the fall, there is something called Oglebayfest. Oglebay Park gets filled with crafts, food, and parades. Kids can play games and see fireworks at night.

Also, right before Christmas, people can walk through the Winter Festival of Lights. This is at Oglebay Park too. The whole place lights up with colorful bulbs, and it feels like you’re walking in a winter wonderland.

Finally, there’s the Italian Festival in Wheeling, where you can taste amazing pasta and pizza. They also have music and dances from Italy, and you can even learn how to make spaghetti.

Major Annual Events in Wheeling, WV

Every summer, Wheeling has the Upper Ohio Valley Italian Heritage Festival. Families have fun, eat yummy food, and enjoy parades.

Kids love the Wheeling Children’s Festival. It happens in the summer too. There are games, shows, and lots of laughter.

For a week in June, Wheeling has a big party called Jamboree In The Hills. Country music stars sing their songs, and people have a blast.

People in Wheeling love chili! They have a cook-off called the Wheeling Feeling Chili Cook-Off. Cooks make their best chili, and people get to taste and vote for their favorite.

Every September, Wheeling hosts the Ohio Valley Heart Walk. People walk together to help hearts stay healthy. They raise money for heart disease research.

When fall comes, the WesBanco Arena has the Wheeling Nailers Hockey Fest. Fans meet players, get autographs, and play hockey games.

There’s also a cool race on Thanksgiving called the Turkey Trot. Families run together and have fun before eating their big meal.

The Upper Ohio Valley Italian Festival

Each summer, Wheeling hosts the Upper Ohio Valley Italian Heritage Festival. Lots of people come to enjoy Italian food and watch parades. It’s like a big family party!

Wheeling also has a fun event called the Wheeling Vintage Raceboat Regatta. Old-fashioned boats race on the river, and it’s exciting to watch them zoom by.

Every year, the Wheeling Feeling Chili Cook-off happens. People cook their best chili, and judges pick which one is the yummiest. You can try different kinds of chili too.

Then there’s the Beast of the East Baseball Tournament. Teams from different places come to play baseball. It’s a hit with folks who love sports.

Lastly, the Wheeling Arts and Cultural Fest shows off art and teaches about different cultures. You can make crafts and watch artists create cool stuff.

Wheeling Heritage Port Sternwheel Festival

In the fall, a big festival called Oglebayfest happens at Oglebay Park. You can play games, ride on hayrides, and see crafts made by artists. The food is super tasty, too!

Come winter, the Winter Festival of Lights starts. Oglebay Park lights up with millions of twinkling lights. People drive through to see all the pretty displays while sipping hot cocoa.

Every Memorial Day, the Wheeling Heritage Trail Bicycle Tour is on. People get on their bikes and ride together. It’s a cool way to see the city and have fun outside.

When it gets warm, the Ohio Valley Pride Festival celebrates love and equality. There’s music, dancing, and lots of rainbow colors. It’s a happy day for everyone.

There’s also the Heritage Music BluesFest. Music fills the air as bands play the blues. If you like music, you’ll want to tap your toes at this one!

Wheeling’s Jamboree in the Hills

Wheeling has a neat event called the Upper Ohio Valley Italian Festival. It’s filled with yummy Italian food, music, and parades. It makes you feel like you’re in Italy!

In the summer, there’s the Wheeling Symphony’s Music Under the Stars. You get to listen to cool tunes while the stars are out. You can bring snacks and chill on the grass.

The St. Michael Parish Fair is a big deal too. They have rides that spin you around and games to play. The best part might be the homemade food that makes your mouth water.

For a week each year, the Jamboree in the Hills brings country music to life. Fans from all over come to sing along with famous singers. Don’t forget your cowboy hat if you go!

The Sternwheel Festival has boats with big wheels on the river. There are boat races, food, and fireworks at night. It’s awesome to watch the boats light up the river.

Cultural and Arts Events in Wheeling, WV

Wheeling is home to lots of art too. The Wheeling Arts and Cultural Fest happens downtown. Artists show off their work and people can make their own crafts.

There is also a cool place called the Oglebay Institute. They have art classes, dance, and plays. Families love going here to learn and have fun.

The Capitol Theatre is where you can see live shows. They have plays, concerts, and ballets. People clap and cheer for the performers on stage.

Every fall, the Ohio County Fair rolls into town. You can enter contests like who has the biggest pumpkin. There is a talent show where you can watch your friends sing or dance.

Don’t miss the Festival of Trees at the Wheeling Park. Trees get decorated in wild ways and you can vote for your favorite. It’s beautiful to see them all lit up!


Wheeling is home to Artworks Around Town. It’s a cool spot where you can see paintings and sculptures made by artists from around here. They even let kids try making art.

There’s also something called the Wheeling Film Society. They show movies that make you think. After the movie, people talk about the story and what it means.

Every winter, Oglebay Park turns into a wonderland of lights. It’s called the Festival of Lights. Families drive through and see all the twinkling lights and displays.

If you like plays, the Towngate Theatre puts on shows. They have funny plays, ones that are serious, and even some just for kids. It’s like watching stories come to life!

For Halloween, the Kruger Street Toy & Train Museum has a haunted house. It’s just spooky enough to make you jump, but not too scary. You get to trick-or-treat inside the museum, too!

Wheeling also has cool history. At Fort Henry Days, people dress up like they did back in the old days. They show you how folks used to live, work, and play.

Wheeling Symphony Orchestra

Music lovers in Wheeling go to the Heritage Music BluesFest. This is a big deal that happens every summer. Bands come and play music that makes you want to dance.

In the fall, the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra has a free concert outside. You can sit on the grass and listen to the music. It’s nice to be with other people enjoying the sounds.

There is an event called the Upper Ohio Valley Italian Festival. People get together to eat yummy Italian food and see dances from Italy. It feels like you’re in Italy for a day!

Kids love going to the Children’s Museum of the Ohio Valley. They have special days where kids can make crafts and play games. It’s a place to learn and have fun at the same time.

Every year, people get excited for Wheeling Heritage Port Sternwheel Festival. Big boats with wheels on the back come to the river. There’s music and food, and everybody has a good time by the water.

Artworks Around Town

Wheeling is a place where art comes to life. The Artisan Center showcases crafts made by local artists. From paintings to pottery, there’s something for everyone.

Another cool thing is the Centre Market. It’s a historic spot with unique shops. On weekends, sometimes there are musicians playing. You can shop and enjoy the tunes.

Don’t miss the Oglebay Institute’s Towngate Theatre & Cinema. They put on plays and show movies. It’s like stepping into another world when the lights go down.

The Festival of Lights at Oglebay Park is magical. Families drive through to see twinkling lights and fun displays. It’s like winter wonderland!

The Wheeling Artisan Market is a place to find cool stuff. Local crafters sell things they make. It’s a great way to find a special gift and help artists in Wheeling.

Every month, the First Fridays event happens. Shops stay open late, and there are fun things to do. It’s a night out to explore and have a good time with friends.


Wheeling, WV is full of fun events all year. There’s music, art, and even festivals. People come together to share good times and make memories.

Kids and grown-ups both love these events. They can learn new things and see amazing sights. It’s a great way to spend a day or night.

Remember the Wheeling Symphony Orchestra? They play beautiful music that fills the air. It’s something you won’t want to miss.

There are also races like the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic. Runners get ready! It takes you through the city and is a big deal for many people.

In the summer, the Heritage Port has awesome concerts. It’s free! You can listen to music, dance, and relax by the water.

The Upper Ohio Valley Italian Festival is so much fun. You can eat yummy food, dance, and learn about Italian culture.

Wheeling has a lot to offer. If you’re nearby in Weirton, WV, or Steubenville, OH, come join the fun. The events are worth the trip!