Average Weather In Wheeling Wv

Wheeling, WV, nestled along the Ohio River, experiences a mix of weather conditions throughout the year. The city’s climate is typically categorized as humid continental, meaning it has four distinct seasons. Hot summers and cold winters with a fair amount of rainfall characterize Wheeling’s weather pattern.

Springtime in Wheeling brings about changeable weather. It often starts cool and gradually warms up. This season can be unpredictable with sunny days followed by rain or thunderstorms. As the green begins to show in local parks like Oglebay Park, residents get ready for outdoor activities.

Summer temperatures are usually warm and can sometimes get quite humid. This is a great time to enjoy the Ohio River’s many recreational activities, like boating or fishing. However, thunderstorms can be frequent during the summer months, so it’s always wise to keep an eye on the forecast.

As leaves start changing colors, Wheeling enters fall. This season is known for its mild temperatures and less humidity. It’s a favorite time of year for many as the vibrant colors make scenic drives particularly beautiful, especially along the historic National Road.

Winters in Wheeling can be cold and snowy, perfect for those who enjoy winter sports. Snow-covered hills can transform the landscape into a winter wonderland, with opportunities for skiing and sledding nearby. Despite the cold, the community spirit stays warm with holiday festivities throughout the city.

Understanding Wheeling’s Climate

When you’re in Wheeling, you’ll notice the weather changes a lot. It’s not too hot, not too cold, but just right for each season. In the winter, be ready for it to get pretty chilly. You’re going to need your coat and gloves, especially from December to February.

Rain is something you’ll see a bunch of, no matter the season. Wheeling gets around 39 inches of rain every year. That’s like stacking about 4 bowling balls on top of each other! So, keep an umbrella with you, because you might need it when you least expect it.

Don’t forget about the snow if you’re around in the winter. With about 36 inches of snow each year, there’s plenty to play in. That’s taller than a lot of dogs! Snowball fight, anyone? Plus, the snow makes the whole town look like a holiday card – really pretty.

Not a fan of snow? No worries, because when spring rolls around, it all melts away. Temperature starts to go up and you can swap those winter boots for sneakers again. Flowers start popping up all over, and the world gets colorful once again.

But just a heads up, March can be tricky. It’s like the weather can’t make up its mind – warm one day, then maybe cold again the next. No worries though, by May things start to even out, and it gets warmer steadily.

And if you like your days long and your nights short, summer’s got your back. With the longest day hitting around June 21st, there’s lots of sunshine to soak up. Plan your fun days out, but remember, a storm could pop up, so watch out for those dark clouds.

Last bit of advice, come to Wheeling ready to enjoy each season. Bring gear for hot, cold, rain, and snow. It’s a city that has it all, weather-wise. Just keep an eye on the sky, and you’ll be good to go!

Geographic Influence

When it comes to rainfall, Wheeling gets a steady amount all year. You might want to keep an umbrella handy! The city gets around 40 inches of rain each year. That’s a bit more than the U.S. average.

The snow in Wheeling can make winter feel like a snowy adventure. On average, the city sees about 33 inches of snow every year. That’s enough to build snowmen and have snowball fights!

Knowing how the temperature swings over the year can help you plan your days. Wheeling’s temps range from the low 20s in winter to the high 80s in summer. Dressing in layers is smart, so you’re ready for anything.

For those who like to track the highs and lows, the record temperatures can be pretty wild. The hottest day hit a scorching 104°F, while the coldest day dropped to a chilly -20°F. But don’t worry, days like those are not common.

Seasonal Variations

Wheeling’s weather can be a mix, with four distinct seasons. Think sunny summers and cold winters, with a spring and fall that can surprise you.

In spring, you can expect mild temps and a bit more rain. It’s the time when plants start to wake up and the city gets greener.

Summers in Wheeling can get warm and humid. Sometimes, the heat calls for a dip in the pool or a cool treat to beat the temps.

When fall rolls in, the air gets crisp and the leaves change colors. It’s a favorite time for hikes to see the hills painted with reds, oranges, and yellows.

Winter can be pretty cold, so warm coats and hats are a must. Days are shorter but the holiday lights sure brighten up the city.

Wind isn’t a big issue in Wheeling, but breezy days happen. It’s usually not enough to cause trouble, but it’s something to note.

Lastly, if you hear about a storm watch or warning, stay updated. Wheeling can have severe weather, especially in spring and summer. Staying informed will keep you safe.

Average Weather Patterns in Wheeling

Every year, Wheeling sees all kinds of weather. It’s good to know what to expect each month.

January and February are chilly, with snow likely. Bundle up if you’re heading outside!

By March, things start to thaw and it might rain more. Snow boots change to rain boots.

April’s weather can be tricky – some days are warm, others can still feel like winter. So keep a jacket handy.

May brings more warmth and the start of picnic season. Flowers are blooming and trees get leaves.

Once June hits, summer is really starting. The sun stays out longer and schools are out. It’s a great time for outdoor fun.

July is usually the hottest month. Keep cool with water activities and lots of shade.

August means summer is still going strong, but you might feel a hint of fall by the end.

September brings a gentle cool down and sometimes a mix of summer and fall weather.

October is perfect for cozy sweaters as it gets cooler. Look out for bright fall leaves!

November has crisp air and maybe an early snow. Thanksgiving parades might need a warm blanket.

December is holiday season and it’s pretty cold. Snow can make it look like a winter wonderland.

For up-to-date weather, always check a reliable source like the local news or an online weather site like weather.com.

Temperature Averages

Wheeling’s average temperature in winter hovers around freezing. You’ll see some snow, so sleds and snow boots can be pretty handy.

The warmer months mean more outdoor activities. Average highs in July can reach the mid-80s, perfect for picnics and playing outside.

Rainfall is spread throughout the year, but not too heavy. The city gets about 40 inches annually, so keep an umbrella nearby.

Overall, Wheeling’s weather isn’t too wild. A good jacket in winter, some shorts for summer, and you’re set for most days.

Precipitation and Snowfall

Spring in Wheeling brings mild and often wet conditions. It’s a time when flowers start to bloom and trees turn green again.

By the time fall rolls around, the air gets crisper and the leaves change to beautiful colors. It’s a season that’s cool, but not too cold, perfect for a light sweater.

Humidity can sometimes make summers feel hotter and winters feel colder. But it’s usually not too bad compared to other places.

Every now and then, Wheeling might see a thunderstorm, especially in summer. They can be exciting, but it’s smart to stay safe indoors when lightning strikes.

Extreme Weather Events

Wheeling, WV experiences all four seasons, each with its unique weather patterns. Average temperatures vary quite a bit throughout the year.

The winters here can get pretty cold, often dipping below freezing. Snow is common, and it can sometimes be heavy, making for a picturesque, white landscape.

Summer days in Wheeling are usually warm. Temperatures often reach into the 80s, which is great for outdoor activities like swimming or fishing in the Ohio River.

When it comes to rain, Wheeling gets its fair share. On average, there’s more rain here than in other parts of the country, keeping the grass green and the rivers flowing.

Comparing Wheeling’s Climate to Neighboring Cities

Let’s look at how Wheeling’s weather stacks up against nearby cities. Weirton, WV, is not too far from Wheeling, and their weather is pretty similar. Both cities enjoy a mix of sunny, cloudy, and rainy days throughout the year.

In Steubenville, OH, which is also close by, it’s much the same story. They get cold winters and warm summers, much like Wheeling. However, Steubenville might see a little less snow in winter compared to Wheeling.

While the climates in Wheeling, Weirton, and Steubenville are alike, there can be small differences in temperature and precipitation. Still, if you’re used to the weather in any one of these cities, you’ll feel right at home in the others.

People who live in these cities are used to packing a range of clothes to be ready for any weather. It’s always smart to have a jacket or umbrella in the car, just in case the weather decides to change quickly.

Weirton, WV Weather Comparison

Comparing Wheeling’s climate to nearby Weirton, WV, and Steubenville, OH, is like looking at three siblings. They’re a lot alike, but each has its own quirks. All three cities enjoy the changing of the seasons from the fresh blooms in spring to the crisp air of fall.

Wheeling and Steubenville are pretty close to each other, just about a 30-minute drive apart. Their weather is almost like twins. Both cities feel the cold winters and enjoy the hot summers. Wheeling might see a bit more snow some years, but they’re still very similar.

Weirton sits between Wheeling and Steubenville, acting like the middle kid. Its weather doesn’t stray far from its neighbors. You can expect Weirton to have cold winters too, and summers that are just as warm. However, Weirton might catch a little less snow than Wheeling because of its spot on the map.

All three cities get rain, but sometimes Wheeling takes the lead. This means the rivers and creeks are always ready for some fun, like fishing or just skipping stones.

If you’re moving to one of these cities or just visiting, you’ll want a coat for the winter and shorts for the summer. The Ohio Valley has a pretty standard Midwestern climate that’s true for Wheeling, Weirton, and Steubenville. So if you know what’s happening in Wheeling, you’ve got a good idea about the weather in the neighboring cities too. It’s like they’re sharing the same backyard!

Steubenville, OH Weather Comparison

Wheeling’s summer days are warm, but not too hot. Even when the sun is shining bright, the air feels good. You can be outside without getting sweaty right away. This is the same for both Steubenville and Weirton. So, if you like playing outside, any of these cities is a good choice in the summer.

When fall comes around, the leaves put on a show. They change to red, orange, and yellow. All three cities get this colorful treat, but Wheeling might get a few more chilly days. It’s a great time for wearing your favorite hoodie.

As for spring, it can be a bit of a surprise box. You might get rain showers or sunny days. Sometimes, Wheeling gets a little more rain, which makes the flowers really happy. So, if you like those spring smells and blooms, Wheeling’s a nice spot.


Wheeling’s weather is pretty steady throughout the year. The winters do get cold and snowy, which is perfect for making snowmen. If you don’t like the cold, you might want to stay inside with some hot cocoa.

It’s good to know what clothes to wear in each season. In Wheeling, you’ll need shorts for summer and a thick coat for winter. Spring and fall? Maybe a light jacket will do just fine.

People who live in Wheeling, or are thinking about visiting, should always check the weather first. It’s smart to know if you need an umbrella or sunglasses for the day!