City Of Steubenville

Steubenville is a city with a lot of history. It sits along the Ohio River in the state of Ohio. The city is also known as the City of Murals because of the many murals painted on buildings downtown.

People here are proud of their city because it’s the hometown of Dean Martin, a famous singer and actor. Every year, many fans come to Steubenville to celebrate Dean Martin’s life at a festival in his honor.

Steubenville is not just about the past; it’s a place where families live and kids go to school. Sports are big here, and high school football games are fun times for everyone in town.

History and Founding of Steubenville

Long ago, Steubenville started as a small place where people settled near the river. It got its name from Fort Steuben, a fort named after a German officer who helped during the American Revolution.

The fort was built in 1786 to keep soldiers safe. Later on, a man named Bezaleel Wells thought this place by the river was perfect for a town, so in 1797, he started what we now know as Steubenville.

As the town grew, people built more houses and businesses. Boats carrying goods used the Ohio River, and this helped Steubenville become bigger because it was a good spot for trading.

One of the coolest things in Steubenville is the Old Fort Steuben. It’s like a time machine that takes you back to see what the fort looked like a long, long time ago. If you want to visit it, you can learn more at Old Fort Steuben’s website.

Steubenville has changed a lot since it was founded. But even today, looking at the river or visiting the old fort can make you feel like you’re part of its long story.

Early Settlements

The story of Steubenville started a long time ago. Back in 1786, a man named Bezaleel Wells saw potential in this spot along the river. He thought it was perfect for a new town.

Bezaleel Wells partnered with another man named James Ross to make his idea come true. Together, they laid out a plan and started building the city that year.

The name Steubenville comes from a German soldier named Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben. He helped America during the Revolutionary War, and the city is named to honor him.

Long ago, Native Americans, like the Mingo tribe, lived on this land. They used the Ohio River for food and travel before the city was built.

Many people came to Steubenville because it was on the river. They used boats to move goods and people. This made the city grow as a center of trade.

Industrial Growth

Steubenville grew quickly in the early 1800s. Factories were built and people worked hard. They made things like pottery, glass, and steel.

Because of the factories, more people moved to Steubenville. They came for jobs and a better life. The town became busy with new families and businesses.

Schools were important in Steubenville. The city wanted all kids to learn and grow smart. One of the first public high schools in Ohio was built here in 1856.

The city remembers important people from its past. There is a statue of Edwin M. Stanton, a man from Steubenville. He was important in politics during President Lincoln’s time.

Today, Steubenville is known for its history and culture. It has old buildings and museums that tell its story. People come to learn and remember how the city started and grew.

Modern Developments

Long ago, Native Americans lived on the land where Steubenville is now. They hunted and fished by the river before Europeans came.

In 1786, a man named David Zeisberger came to the area. He was a missionary trying to find a home for his flock.

Then, in 1797, a man named Bezaleel Wells started Steubenville. He saw the land by the Ohio River and thought it was a good place for a town.

Wells divided the land into city lots. People bought these lots and that’s how the city began. The town got its name from Fort Steuben, a place nearby.

Steubenville was a stop on the Ohio River. Boats and barges stopped here. They carried goods and people up and down the river.

The city was also a stop on the Underground Railroad. Escaped slaves passed through on their way to freedom. This was a secret and dangerous route to safety.

When you walk through Steubenville, think about its past. Think about the people who started this city and all that has happened since then.

Economy and Industry

The city of Steubenville is known for steel. A long time ago, it made lots of steel that helped build America.

Today, there are still factories, but not like before. Some make different things like metal parts for cars and buildings.

A lot of people work in hospitals, schools, and stores too. These jobs are important for the city’s money.

Folks here also go to a college called Franciscan University. It’s a big part of the town and brings students from many places.

There’s a place in Steubenville that makes tasty chocolates. It’s called Steubenville’s Finest Chocolate and people love it!

Every year, people come for the Dean Martin Festival. Dean Martin was a famous singer from Steubenville.

They also have a Nutcracker Village & Advent Market. It’s full of beautiful nutcrackers and fun things to do during Christmas.

Steel Production

Steubenville, Ohio, has a past filled with steel. Big factories once made a lot of it. Many people in the town worked at these places.

Now, less steel is made here. But the city still has factories that make things. Some make metal parts and others make things like food products.

People also work in hospitals, schools, and shops. These places help the city’s money grow.

There’s a college in Steubenville called Franciscan University. Lots of students come here to learn. The college is important for the city’s money, too.

The city is working on getting more businesses. It wants new companies to come and make jobs for people. This will help more money come into the city.

There are also plans to use the pretty riverfront. More parks and places for fun can make the city nicer for everyone.

Steubenville is like a big team. Everyone, from factory workers to doctors, has a part to play. Together, they make the city stronger.

Retail and Services

Some folks in Steubenville work with computers and technology. They help keep information safe and create new computer programs.

Trucks and trains move products in and out of the city. This is called logistics. It is very important for getting things from one place to another.

People here also fix cars, work in banks, and help others buy houses. These jobs are part of the service industry.

There’s a big shopping area called the Fort Steuben Mall. It has stores and places to eat. Many people go there for shopping and fun.

The city also grows food like fruits and vegetables. Some people sell them at a place called a farmers’ market.

Steubenville is trying new ideas to make the city better. They think about what will work best in the future. It’s like a puzzle they are putting together piece by piece.

Recent Economic Changes

Steubenville has a history of making things out of metal. Factories here used to make a lot of steel. Steel is strong and is used in buildings and cars.

Today, fewer people make steel, but the city still makes other things. Workers in factories make parts for machines. These parts can go into things like refrigerators and cars.

Some people in Steubenville work at colleges and schools. They teach students many subjects. This helps students learn new skills for their futures.

There are also people who work in hospitals and clinics. They take care of others when they are sick or need help with health.

Many jobs in the city are about helping others. This includes firefighters, police officers, and people who work at city hall.

The city has a river called the Ohio River. It helps move things that are made in Steubenville to other places. This is good for business.

Cultural and Social Highlights

Steubenville is full of fun events during the year. One big party is the Dean Martin Festival. Fans of music and movies come to remember a famous singer from the city.

Art is special in Steubenville. There’s a place called Historic Fort Steuben. Here, you can see old buildings and watch people act like they lived long ago. They wear costumes and tell stories of the past.

The city loves its heroes. A big picture of Dean Martin smiles down from a wall downtown. Other murals show scenes of history and honor those who served in wars.

In the fall, everyone gets excited for high school football. The Big Red team brings the community together to cheer and enjoy the game.

Christmas in Steubenville is magical. The Nutcracker Village shows off lots of different Nutcrackers. Families walk around, sip hot cocoa, and see all the designs.

Learning about different cultures is fun here. The Greek Food Festival fills the streets with music and yummy smells. Dancers in colorful dresses show off traditional steps.

Steubenville is also about helping. On weekends, folks sometimes clean the parks or plant flowers. It makes the city pretty and everyone feels good about it.

Annual Festivals and Events

Steubenville is famous for its big Christmas festival. The city lights up with decorations and there’s music and fun for families.

Every summer, people enjoy the Dean Martin Festival. Dean Martin was a famous singer from Steubenville. There is music, food, and people dress up like in old times.

The city has a cool spot called Historic Fort Steuben. People can learn how folks lived a long time ago. It’s fun and interesting, especially during the summer when actors show history live!

Steubenville has neat murals painted on buildings. They show stories of the city’s past. These pictures are big and colorful and you can take a tour to see them all.

The city loves its sports, especially high school football. On Friday nights, lots of people go to the games to cheer for the local team.

There is a place called Franciscan University. Students from all over come to learn here. Sometimes they have events like plays and concerts that everyone can go to.

Museums and Historical Sites

In Steubenville, there are cool places where people go to have fun. The mall is one spot where you can shop and eat with your friends.

Every year, people get together for the Greek Food Festival. They eat yummy food like gyros and baklava, and there’s dancing too.

There’s a library in town where you can find lots of books. They also have story times and crafts for kids to enjoy.

When it’s warm outside, families like to go to the local parks. They have picnics, play on swings, and run around in the open space.

On the Ohio River, Steubenville has a marina. Boats can dock here, and folks can fish or just watch the water go by.

Around Halloween, the city has a pumpkin festival. Kids dress up in costumes, carve pumpkins, and go trick-or-treating.

Educational Institutions

Music fills the air in Steubenville because the city loves jazz. The annual Dean Martin Festival honors the famous singer who was born here. People come to hear great music and remember Dean Martin’s songs.

Artists in Steubenville make beautiful murals. You can see these big paintings on walls around the city. They tell stories about the town’s history and famous people from Steubenville.

Football is huge in Steubenville. The high school football team, Big Red, has a lot of fans. On game days, everyone wears red and cheers for their team.

Steubenville also likes to help others. There’s a special day where everyone works on projects to make the city look nicer. They plant flowers, paint, and clean up parks.

The city celebrates holidays in a big way. On the Fourth of July, there are fireworks and parades. People wave flags and wear red, white, and blue to show they’re proud of America.

In December, Steubenville has a Nutcracker Village. People walk around to see different nutcrackers, and there’s a Christmas market with gifts and treats.


Steubenville is a city with a lot of spirit. From jazz music to football games, people here have pride in their community. They show this by coming together for festivals and celebrations. It’s a place where neighbors help each other and share happy times.

The town has a rich history that is painted on walls for everyone to see. When you walk around Steubenville, you’re walking through stories of the past. This makes the city not just a place to live, but a place to learn and remember.

Whether it’s cheering on the Big Red, listening to jazz, or planting flowers, there’s always something to do. Steubenville shows us that a city is more than just buildings and streets; it’s about the people and their love for their home.