Steubenville Ivory

Have you ever heard of Steubenville ivory? It’s not about elephants but about a kind of pottery that looks like ivory. Steubenville, Ohio, is famous for making this cool stuff.

Long ago, Steubenville was home to many people who made pottery. They would shape clay into dishes and paint them to look pretty. Some looked like they were made from ivory, which is very special.

Today, when we talk about Steubenville ivory, we mean the beautiful dishes made there. People love to collect them because they are a piece of history.

History of Ivory Trade in Steubenville, OH

In the past, Steubenville had a big factory called the Steubenville Pottery Company. This place made lots of dishes including Steubenville ivory.

People who made Steubenville ivory used skills to paint it. They made sure each piece was super pretty. It took a lot of work to do this.

Steubenville ivory was made a long time ago, from about 1879 to 1959. That’s like your great-great-grandparents’ time!

Even though they’re old, these dishes are still around. Some people have them in their houses. They remind us of Steubenville’s history in making pottery.

Early Beginnings

In Steubenville, a long time ago, people got really good at making pottery. They made all kinds of things like plates, cups, and vases.

They discovered a way to make pottery that was smooth and shiny. It looked like it was made from ivory. That’s why they called it Steubenville ivory.

This special pottery was made without hurting any animals. Real ivory comes from elephant tusks, and that’s not good for the elephants. Steubenville ivory was a way to enjoy something beautiful and not harm nature.

Workers in Steubenville were proud of their pottery. They sent it to different places so more people could see how nice it was. Some people even say it was as pretty as the real ivory from far away lands.

Many years have passed, and the factories that used to make Steubenville ivory are not there anymore. But the plates and other things they made are still around. They remind us of the city’s past.

If you want to see some Steubenville ivory, you can visit museums or check out antiques shops. Sometimes they show up in places like that, waiting for someone to take them home and keep the story alive.

Remember, even though it’s called ivory, it’s really just very special pottery. It’s part of what makes Steubenville’s history interesting and unique.

Industrial Growth

Long ago, making stuff like pottery was a big deal in Steubenville. People who made pottery were called potters, and they were really important.

The potters in Steubenville started making this cool pottery that didn’t hurt any elephants. It was a big hit because it was pretty and safe for animals.

Back then, Steubenville was famous for this pottery. It was different from other places because they cared about animals and made beautiful things without using real ivory.

This pottery was special because not everyone knew how to make it. It became a treasure in Steubenville and showed how clever and kind the people were.

Today, the story of Steubenville ivory teaches us to create beautiful things without harming the environment or animals. It shows us that people from Steubenville were smart and cared about the earth.

To learn more about Steubenville ivory, you can look it up online or ask someone who knows about history. Here’s a link to get you started.

Decline and Legal Restrictions

Even though real ivory comes from elephant tusks, Steubenville found a way to make things without it. Instead, they used clay and some secret tricks to make their pottery look like ivory.

People in the old days loved to buy and collect this fake ivory. They called it Steubenville ivory because it was as pretty as the real thing but no animals got hurt.

Buying and selling Steubenville ivory became a big part of the town. Shops sold it, and people from far away came to buy it. It was like a treasure hunt for something special and kind.

The idea of Steubenville ivory spread to other places too. Other towns tried to copy it but Steubenville’s was the best. They were the first to think of this cool idea.

Kids learned about making Steubenville ivory too. Schools taught them how to care for animals and be good artists. The kids felt proud of their town’s smart way of making things.

If you want to see what Steubenville ivory looked like, some museums have it. You can look at the pieces and see how they shine just like real ivory. Here’s a link to find a museum near you.

Impact of the Ivory Trade on Steubenville’s Economy

Long ago, Steubenville ivory helped the town’s economy grow. When people came to buy the pottery, they also spent money on other things like food and places to stay.

Stores that sold Steubenville ivory did well. The owners made money and their workers earned paychecks. This helped families in Steubenville buy what they needed.

Families with more money from selling the ivory pottery could help the town. They fixed up their houses and other buildings. The town looked nicer and people liked living there.

Some of the money from the ivory trade was given to the town. They used it to keep the streets clean and safe. Kids could play outside without worry, and everyone was happy.

Job Creation and Economic Booms

The ivory trade had a big effect on Steubenville. When the town started making Steubenville ivory, more jobs came. This meant more people could work and earn money.

With more jobs, families had more cash to spend. They bought food, clothes, and stuff for their homes. The whole town did better because of it.

Also, when people came to Steubenville to buy the pottery, they spent money in the town. They ate at restaurants and sometimes stayed in hotels.

Businesses in Steubenville did well because the ivory pottery was popular. Stores that sold paint, brushes, and clay got more customers.

Even back then, Steubenville cared about animals and the planet. By making fake ivory, they didn’t hurt any elephants. This was good for everyone.

Lastly, Steubenville’s success with ivory made the town famous. People talked about it in other cities and even in other states. Steubenville became known for something special and smart.

Transition to Other Industries

Long ago, Steubenville’s fake ivory helped the town grow. New factories opened up where the ivory pottery was made. This brought even more jobs for folks in the area.

More people moving to Steubenville to work meant more houses were built. This was good for those who build homes and sell house stuff.

The schools in Steubenville got better too. With more kids from families that moved for the ivory jobs, the schools got more money. They could buy new books and make classes better.

Last, the success of Steubenville’s ivory helped other workers like truck drivers. They had more things to deliver to and from the factories. This job was important because they helped get the ivory pottery to stores far away.

Modern Economic Landscape

When people had good jobs in the ivory factories, they spent money in town. Shops and restaurants in Steubenville did well because workers liked to buy things with their pay.

Some of the money from ivory went to the town to help make things nicer. Parks where kids play got better and roads got fixed. It was good to see the town looking nicer.

Also, people who lived in Steubenville started making their own businesses. They would make things like jewelry out of the fake ivory to sell. It was cool to see what they could make!

Lastly, Steubenville’s fake ivory was known by many people. Visitors came to see the factories and buy the ivory pottery. This meant local hotels and stores were busy when visitors were in town.

Cultural Significance of Ivory in Steubenville

Ivory used to mean a lot to Steubenville. It wasn’t from elephants but made in factories. This kind was okay to use because it didn’t hurt any animals.

People in Steubenville were proud of their fake ivory. They used it to make pretty things. It looked like the real stuff but was much cheaper.

During holidays, the town had parades and the fake ivory was a big star. They showed it off in floats and everyone in town loved this.

Teachers in schools taught kids about how the fake ivory was made. This was important for the town’s story. Many kids learned a lot from this.

Sometimes, families in Steubenville passed down their ivory things. These could be vases or necklaces. It was special because it was a piece of the town’s history.

Ivory in Art and Architecture

Ivory in Steubenville wasn’t from elephants but made by people. This kind was called ‘faux ivory’ and it was safe for animals. The town became famous for it.

Artists in Steubenville really liked to use this faux ivory. They carved it into neat shapes like animals and flowers. Those pieces were very pretty and people liked to collect them.

The ivory work also became a cool part of learning. In schools, kids would sometimes take trips to see how ivory was made. They learned it was important to Steubenville and to take care of animals.

Steubenville had a big celebration every year. It was for the town and the ivory work. There was music, games, and food. People showed off their faux ivory art, too.

Families in Steubenville shared stories about the ivory days. Moms and dads told kids about working at the factories. These stories were a special part of the town’s history.

There’s even a museum in Steubenville with old ivory things. You can see tools used for making faux ivory and all sorts of ivory art. It’s a place where the town keeps its history alive.

Ivory as a Symbol of Prosperity

Faux ivory wasn’t just for art in Steubenville. It was part of everyday things too. People had faux ivory handles on their doors and their hairbrushes. It made regular stuff look fancy.

Some churches in Steubenville had faux ivory crosses and decorations. These pieces meant a lot to the people there. They showed that the town’s creations were special.

Even though Steubenville was known for faux ivory, not many places make it now. But the town is still proud. Sometimes, there are fairs where artists come to show that they can still make beautiful things with faux ivory.

Visitors who come to Steubenville can find little shops with faux ivory. There, you can buy a piece of the town’s art to take home. This helps keep the tradition going.

When people talk about Steubenville, they often talk about the faux ivory. It’s a big part of what makes the town unique. Faux ivory tells a story of Steubenville’s past and now.

Conservation Efforts and Education

Long ago, real ivory came from elephant tusks. It was very rare and expensive. In Steubenville, people found a way to make things look like ivory without hurting any animals. This fake ivory was used to make all kinds of art that looked very pretty.

Music was a big deal in Steubenville. Some instruments, like pianos and violins, had faux ivory parts. It made the instruments look really nice, and people liked that. Even today, music is still important in town.

Games were more fun with faux ivory too. Games like checkers and chess had pieces made of faux ivory. It made playing games with family and friends feel extra special.

In schools, some teachers used faux ivory to help kids learn. They had rulers and pointers that were made of it. The students thought these tools were really cool.

There’s a place called Fort Steuben in town. It’s an old fort that teaches about history. Sometimes, they show how faux ivory was made. Kids and grown-ups can learn a lot there.

If you want to see what faux ivory looks like, Fort Steuben’s website has pictures. It’s fun to see how people in Steubenville made cool things without using real ivory.


So, we talked about faux ivory in Steubenville. It’s pretty cool how they made art without using real ivory. Now, when you see something that looks like ivory, you might think about Steubenville’s clever idea.

Lots of people learned and played with faux ivory. Remember, it’s not just about looking good. It’s also about history and being kind to animals. Faux ivory helps us remember both of those things.

If you visit Steubenville, you can see how the town used to sparkle with faux ivory stuff. You might even find some in antique shops or museums around town. Who knows, maybe you’ll take a piece of history home!

Don’t forget, learning about faux ivory teaches us smart ways to make beautiful things. Steubenville shows us that you don’t need real ivory to create something special.