Steubenville Newspaper

Have you ever wondered about how people in Steubenville, Ohio keep up with local news? One way they do this is by reading their local newspaper. A newspaper is like a big letter that tells stories about what’s happening around town. It can tell you about sports, the weather, and even what the city leaders are planning.

The Steubenville newspaper has been around for a long time. It’s a trusted source for news in the city. People look forward to reading it to stay informed. Sometimes, kids in school even use articles from the newspaper for their homework!

When something important happens in Steubenville, or even in nearby places like Wheeling, WV or Weirton, WV, the newspaper reports on it. This way, everyone knows what’s going on. Reading the newspaper is a good habit because it helps you learn new things and understand your community better.

History of Steubenville Newspapers

Steubenville had its very first newspaper a long time ago. It was called the Western Herald and began in 1813. Back then, newspapers were different. They had fewer pictures and smaller words. Each week, people waited to read what was new.

Later on, more newspapers started in Steubenville. The town grew, and so did the news. The Steubenville Herald-Star is one newspaper that many people know. It has told the city’s stories for many years.

Some newspapers from long ago are not around anymore. But the Herald-Star keeps going. It tells news every day now, not just once a week. You can even read it on a computer or a phone. To learn more about the Steubenville Herald-Star, you can visit their website at

Before computers, printing a newspaper was hard work. Big machines printed words on paper. People called ‘paper boys’ would deliver them to homes every morning. Now, we can get news anytime we want online!

Early Beginnings

Steubenville, Ohio has a rich history with its newspapers. The city’s very first paper came out a long time ago. Over the years, many papers have been printed here to share news with the people.

One of the oldest papers was called ‘The Steubenville Herald-Star’. It started way back in the 1800s. That’s older than some of our grandparents! This paper shared lots of stories and news with the town’s people for many years.

Later, there were other newspapers too. Each one had its own name and told the news in its own special way. Some were printed every day and some just on the weekends. People in Steubenville could pick their favorite to read with breakfast or after school.

Major Publications Over the Years

Not all newspapers stayed around. Some stopped printing after a while. But that’s normal for newspapers. When they stopped, people had to find new ones to read.

Newspapers help us learn about what’s happening in Steubenville and the world. They tell us about sports, the weather, and even fun things to do around town.

Today, we have the internet, and it changes how we get our news. But newspapers have been important for a very long time. They make sure everyone knows what’s going on.

Now, we don’t just read the paper kind. We can also read news on computers and phones. Steubenville newspapers have their own websites. This is how lots of people get their news today.

If you want to see old newspapers from Steubenville, you can go to the library. The library keeps many old papers so we can look back at history. It’s like a time machine made out of paper!

Modern Era and Digitization

Steubenville has had its own newspaper for many years. It’s called the “Steubenville Herald-Star.” The paper tells people about local news and events.

Long ago, Steubenville had other newspapers too, like the “Daily Herald.” But over time, they combined. Now, we have one main paper for Steubenville.

The “Herald-Star” didn’t always look the way it does now. It used to have fewer pages. And the pictures were all in black and white!

Boys and girls who delivered newspapers used to walk or ride bikes to bring the news to people’s homes. It was an important job to get the news to everyone.

When big events happened in Steubenville or the world, the newspaper would print a “special edition.” These special papers were very exciting and everyone wanted to read them.

Journalists are the people who write the stories for the paper. They look for facts and talk to people to make sure the news is true.

Every year, the “Herald-Star” writes about the Steubenville Nutcracker Village. This is a fun holiday event that lots of families go to see.

People who want to remember the past can read old newspapers. For Steubenville, some papers are even online. You can look at them by visiting the “Herald-Star” website at

The “Steubenville Herald-Star” is more than just paper and ink. It’s a part of the town’s story and helps people know what has happened and what will happen.

The Role of Steubenville Newspapers in Community Building

Newspapers like Steubenville’s “Herald-Star” are not just about news. They also help bring people together. They share stories of people doing good things and talk about problems that everyone wants to fix.

For example, when sports teams in Steubenville do really well, the “Herald-Star” writes about it. This makes the whole town proud and excited. Everyone talks about the games and cheers for the teams.

Sometimes, the newspaper has contests for kids like art competitions or essay writing. Winners get their pictures in the paper. This makes them super happy and encourages them to keep doing their best.

There are also times when the “Herald-Star” helps people who need it. They write stories about families who might be having a tough time. Then, people in Steubenville can help them out.

The newspaper also tells about fun things to do in town. They put in a calendar with stuff like parades, shows, or library events. Families can plan to go together and enjoy the fun.

On Thanksgiving, the “Herald-Star” comes out with a big paper full of ads. This helps people find the best sales for Christmas shopping. It’s a day many people wait for every year!

The “Herald-Star” also lets people say “thank you” or remember loved ones who have passed away. They can put these messages in the paper for everyone to see.

In short, Steubenville’s newspaper is not just about telling news. It’s about making the community stronger. It brings joy, helps people out, and celebrates the good stuff happening in town.

Local News Coverage

Steubenville’s newspaper makes our town feel connected. It’s like a friend who tells you what’s going on and sometimes, it helps find lost pets.

Every week, the “Herald-Star” has a section for high school sports. It shares which teams won their games. This makes the players feel proud and keeps everyone cheering for our teams.

Sometimes, the paper tells stories about people who help others. This inspires more people to do good things. It makes our town nicer when people help each other out.

If someone is having a bake sale or a car wash for a good cause, the newspaper lets everyone know. This helps bring people together to support the event.

Also, the “Herald-Star” has an area where kids can read comics or solve puzzles. This is a fun part of the newspaper that lots of kids look forward to.

There’s even a part where readers can write letters to share their ideas. It’s like having a big conversation with the whole town. People can talk about what they think should change or what they like about Steubenville.

In the fall, the paper talks about the pumpkin festival. And when someone from Steubenville does something really cool or important, the “Herald-Star” tells their story. This makes us proud of our neighbors and friends.

The “Herald-Star” also helps people remember soldiers on Veterans Day and tells stories about local heroes. Reading about brave people makes us grateful and teaches us about courage.

Supporting Local Businesses

The newspaper also has a calendar with lots of events. It tells us about plays, music shows, and art stuff happening in Steubenville. People can pick something fun to do with their friends or families.

Businesses in town put ads in the “Herald-Star”. These ads help people know where to buy things they need. When we shop at these places, we help our town’s money stay right here.

The newspaper has a weather part too. It lets us know if it’s going to be hot, cold, or rainy. This helps us decide what to wear and if we can play outside or should have indoor plans.

On holidays, like Christmas or the Fourth of July, the “Herald-Star” shares what special events are happening. It tells us where the parades and fireworks will be. This helps everyone get into the holiday spirit together.

When the “Herald-Star” writes about history, we learn stuff about Steubenville we didn’t know before. It’s cool to learn about the old days and what makes our town special.

Every now and then, the paper has contests. Kids and adults can win prizes for doing things like writing or drawing. It’s exciting to see if someone you know won.

And if someone does something wrong, like breaking a rule or law, the paper tells us about that too. It’s not to be mean, but to keep everyone informed about staying safe.

Most of all, the “Herald-Star” brings us news from right here and far away. We get to understand what’s happening all over the world while sitting at our kitchen table.

For more information about the “Herald-Star” and what’s in the paper this week, check out their website at

Community Events and Public Discussions

Steubenville’s newspaper, the “Herald-Star”, helps to bring the people in our town closer. It shares stories of folks doing good things, like helping at the food bank or planting flowers in the park.

Big sports games for high school teams are in the paper too. When our teams win, it makes us all feel proud. And when there’s a big game coming up, everyone gets excited.

There are stories about local heroes in the “Herald-Star”. These are people like firefighters and teachers who do great work. It makes us happy to see neighbors we know in the paper.

Sometimes the paper asks us what we think. We can write letters to share our ideas and opinions. It’s a way for everyone to hear what others feel about things in town.

The newspaper also gives us tips on staying healthy. It tells us what to eat and how to exercise. That way, we can all take care of ourselves and each other.

Once in a while, the paper tells us about animals that need homes. It’s nice to know we can make a difference by adopting a pet that needs love.

Comparative Analysis With Surrounding Cities

Compared to Wheeling, WV, and Weirton, WV, Steubenville’s “Herald-Star” has its own style. Wheeling has the “Wheeling News-Register”, and Weirton has the “Weirton Daily Times”. All these papers talk about their towns, but they each have something special about them.

For example, Wheeling’s paper often tells stories about history. Wheeling has been around for a long time, so there’s a lot to say. Sometimes, they write about old buildings or famous people from the past.

Weirton’s newspaper likes to talk about jobs and businesses. They write about new shops opening or factories that make things. It’s good to know how people in Weirton work and make money.

The “Herald-Star” in Steubenville has lots of sports news because we love our teams. The paper helps us cheer for them whether they win or not. It’s fun to follow the games and see photos of the players.

Also, Steubenville’s paper puts in more stories about schools. They tell us what students are learning and doing. Like if there’s a science fair or a play, we get to read about it.

All these newspapers are important. They show us what’s unique about our towns. Reading about Wheeling, Weirton, or Steubenville, we learn new things and feel connected to our neighbors.

If you want to check out these newspapers online, here are the links. For Wheeling, visit the “Wheeling News-Register”. If you’re interested in Weirton, look at the “Weirton Daily Times”. And of course, for Steubenville, you can read the “Herald-Star” at their website.

Newspapers in Wheeling, WV

Steubenville’s “Herald-Star” is not the only newspaper around here. Cities close by, like Wheeling, WV, and Weirton, WV, have their own papers too!

Wheeling has the “Wheeling News-Register”. It tells people about what’s happening in Wheeling. Just like Steubenville’s newspaper, it talks about local events and news.

In Weirton, folks read the “Weirton Daily Times”. This paper is filled with stories from Weirton. Seeing what’s in other cities’ newspapers can be pretty cool.

All these newspapers make sure we know about fun things happening nearby. Like festivals, music, and games. It’s great that we can find out about good times in all three places!

Sometimes, these papers have different stories, but other times, they talk about the same things. For example, if something big happens in one town, the other towns might write about it too.

People in Steubenville, Wheeling, and Weirton care about their towns. That’s why newspapers like the “Herald-Star”, the “Wheeling News-Register”, and the “Weirton Daily Times” are so important. They help us all stay connected!

Weirton, WV’s Local Press

Our “Herald-Star” in Steubenville talks a lot about sports. It’s fun to see how our teams are doing. The other cities have stories about their teams too.

Each newspaper has its own way to tell stories. We might read about a football game in Steubenville. Then we can see how Wheeling or Weirton writes about the same game. It’s neat to compare them!

Schools in our town get in the paper a lot. Like when students win awards or do cool projects. Wheeling and Weirton papers share school news, too. Kids in all towns do amazing things!

Advertisements are something else in the papers. They show us different places to shop or eat. What’s in the “Herald-Star” might not be in the other papers. And that’s okay, because it’s fun to see new places.

What if you want to know the weather? These papers tell us if it’s going to rain or snow. But the weather can be a little different in each city. So what’s in one paper might not be the same in another.

The “Herald-Star”, the “Wheeling News-Register”, and the “Weirton Daily Times” all have stories about people helping out, too. It’s good to read about neighbors caring for each other, no matter which city they’re from.

When you put our Steubenville paper next to papers from Wheeling and Weirton, you can see what we share and what’s different. It helps us learn about our neighbors and feel like part of a bigger community.

Journalism Across State Lines

In Steubenville, we love reading about local heroes in the “Herald-Star”. Wheeling and Weirton newspapers also celebrate people who do great things. It’s cool to see heroes from all over!

Did you know that events like festivals get into the papers? Our Steubenville paper might have a story about a pumpkin festival, and Wheeling’s paper could talk about a heritage festival. Weirton might write about a parade. It’s fun to see what’s going on nearby.

Also, the papers have sections for people to talk about their opinions. You might read what someone thinks about a new park in Steubenville. Then, you can check out opinions in Wheeling and Weirton. People think different things and that’s interesting.

Some papers are bigger and have more pages. If you look at the “Herald-Star”, you might notice it’s not as big as the one from Wheeling. That means more reading in some papers and less in others. But no matter the size, they’re all full of stories.

Pets sometimes make the news too! Our Steubenville paper might have a picture of a lost dog, while Wheeling’s paper might have a story about a cat show. Weirton’s paper could tell us about a new pet store. It’s nice to know what’s happening with pets in each city.


Reading the newspaper is a big deal in Steubenville. It helps us learn about cool stuff in our town and nearby places. We get to feel like part of a bigger community.

Newspapers tell us about sports, too. Maybe the Steubenville Big Red won a game, or there’s a soccer tournament in Wheeling. Weirton might have a basketball championship. It’s exciting to cheer for our local teams!

We can’t forget about the weather! A newspaper can tell us if we need a coat or an umbrella. If it’s snowy in Wheeling, rainy in Weirton, or sunny in Steubenville, we’ll know what to expect before stepping outside.

So, keep reading the “Herald-Star” or other local newspapers. They help us stay connected and informed about everything that’s happening around us. Newspapers are a big part of our lives in Steubenville, Wheeling, and Weirton.

If you want to learn more about Steubenville’s newspaper or find out what’s in today’s edition, check out their website at It’s a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest news!