Catholic Charities Wheeling Wv

Catholic Charities in Wheeling, WV, is a special place that helps people when they need it most. They do lots of good work like giving food to those who are hungry and finding homes for people who don’t have one.

They don’t just help with food and shelter. They also teach classes so people can learn new things. This can help them get better jobs. When people have good jobs, they can take care of their families.

Kids and grown-ups all get help from Catholic Charities. They make sure everyone feels loved and important. Their job is to take care of those in trouble and make the community stronger.

History and Mission of Catholic Charities in Wheeling, WV

A long time ago, Catholic Charities started in Wheeling, WV. Their job is to show love and kindness to all people. They want to make life better for folks who live around here.

Their mission is really important. They believe everyone deserves a chance to be happy and healthy. That’s why they work so hard to help out.

They help in lots of ways, like being a friendly ear when someone is sad or scared. They are there to give a hand to people and families who need it.

Establishment and Growth

Long ago, Catholic Charities started in Wheeling, WV, to help people in a big way. They wanted to make sure that no one was left without help when they were having a hard time.

Their mission is really cool. It’s to show kindness to everyone, no matter who they are. They believe that every person is valuable and deserves respect and help.

They work in Wheeling, but also reach out to folks in nearby places like Weirton and Steubenville. This way, they can help even more people with their kindness.

Every day, they look for new ways to make life better for people. They listen to what people need and try their best to help them.

The people at Catholic Charities care a lot. They want everyone to have what they need to live a good life. That’s why they work so hard to help others.

Core Objectives and Mission Statement

Catholic Charities in Wheeling, WV has been around for a lot of years. It’s like a big family that’s always there for folks who are having a tough time. They help with things like food, a place to stay, and keeping the lights on at home.

They have a big heart for kids and families. This group makes sure they have clothes, school stuff, and even toys. They want kids to smile and have fun, just like other kids do.

Another thing they do is they talk to grown-ups who feel sad or worried. They have special people who listen and help them feel better.

They also care for old people. Catholic Charities helps them so they don’t feel lonely and can stay healthy and happy. It’s all about treating people the way you want to be treated.

For more info on the good work they do, you can go to their website at There, you can learn more and even find out how to help.

Programs and Services Offered

Imagine you have no clothes for the cold weather. Catholic Charities gives warm coats and gloves to people who need them. It’s like a cozy hug on a snowy day!

Think about not having enough food. They have a pantry full of yummy things to eat. Families can get groceries to fill their tummies and stay strong.

If someone doesn’t have a house, Catholic Charities finds them a safe place to sleep. They make sure no one has to stay outside when it’s freezing or super hot.

When people can’t pay for their medicine, Catholic Charities steps in. They help so people can feel better and not worry about getting sick.

They even help folks find jobs. They teach them how to be great at interviews and give them tips for working at a new place.

For moms and dads who need a break, they offer daycare. Kids can play and learn while parents do what they need to do.

Kids who are having a tough time at school can get help with homework. Catholic Charities wants them to do their best and love learning.

For high schoolers thinking about college, they’ve got advice. They help with applications and finding the money to go to school.

They don’t forget about people who came from far away, in other countries. They help them learn English and understand how to live in their new home.

For people who ride the bus or need a lift, they help with tickets. This way, they don’t have to walk long ways to get to places.

Support Services for Families and Individuals

Do you need a little help to pay for food? Catholic Charities has a pantry full of food to share. They give away bread, milk, and lots more to help your family.

If you’re out of work and the bills are piling up, don’t worry. Catholic Charities can sometimes help pay for things like rent or electricity. They want to make sure you have a warm and safe place to live.

When it’s cold outside, they give away coats and blankets. Everybody should be cozy and warm during the wintertime.

They also know that learning is super important. That’s why they give kids books and help with homework. They want to make sure every kid can do their best in school.

If you need a ride to the doctor or help with medicine, they’re there for you. They want you to stay healthy and strong.

Sometimes, families need a little extra help. Catholic Charities can help moms and dads learn how to take care of their babies. They give advice on how to be the best parents they can be.

If you want to find out how you can get help or how to give help, check out their website. It’s at

Educational Programs and Initiatives

If your family has trouble buying clothes, Catholic Charities in Wheeling, WV has something cool called a Clothes Closet. It’s a place where you can get shirts, pants, and shoes for free.

Are you or someone you know older and lonely? They have visits and calls to make sure you’re not feeling alone. They love to chat and spend time with you.

For people who don’t have a kitchen or can’t cook, there’s a hot meal program. You can get yummy meals so you won’t be hungry.

They also help people learn how to handle money better. They’ll teach you about saving money and not spending too much.

When someone doesn’t have a place to stay, they work really hard to find them a home. Having a safe place to sleep is very important.

They’ve got something special for moms and babies called a Baby Pantry. Moms can get things like diapers and baby food to help take care of their little ones.

If you have trouble speaking English, they can help you learn the language. This way, you can talk to everyone and do well at school or work.

For more details on getting help or volunteering, you can contact them at their Wheeling office. Just call them at (304) 232-7157.

Health and Wellness Assistance

Did you know that Catholic Charities in Wheeling, WV also helps kids do better in school? They give out school supplies so kids have what they need to learn.

They help people who can’t see very well or at all. They give out special tools that make it easier to read books and see things.

When it gets really cold, they have coats and blankets to keep you warm. No one should be cold in the winter.

If you’re sad or worried a lot, they have people you can talk to. Talking about your feelings can make you feel better.

They even help families who come from far away places to make a new home here. They help them with paperwork and finding a job.

If you need more information or want to help out, you can visit their website. Click this link to go there: Catholic Charities Wheeling.

Community Impact and Success Stories

People in Wheeling, WV have big hearts, and Catholic Charities is all about sharing that love. They make sure that no one goes hungry by giving food to people who need it.

On Thanksgiving, they make sure families have a turkey dinner. Everyone should be able to enjoy the holiday with a full belly.

They also help people find places to live if they don’t have a home. It’s important that everyone has a warm and safe place to sleep.

In the summer, kids can have fun and learn at camp. Catholic Charities helps make that happen for kids who might not get to go otherwise.

They even give rides to people who can’t drive. Getting to the doctor or store is really important.

Lots of people have stories about how Catholic Charities helped them when they needed it the most. It’s amazing how much good they do!

Partnerships and Community Engagement

People who work at Catholic Charities in Wheeling are like superheroes. They help a lot of people and families every day.

They have a place where moms and dads can choose food for their family. It’s like a grocery store, but everything is free!

When grown-ups need a job, they help them write resumes. A resume is like a paper that tells someone why they would be good at a job.

They also have classes where people learn to be better with money. This helps them pay for things they need, like a house or food.

Sometimes people need a doctor but don’t have enough money. Catholic Charities helps them find a doctor they can afford.

When someone’s house gets ruined by something like a flood, they help them clean up and fix things.

Many people who got help from Catholic Charities say ‘thank you’ and feel really happy. They feel like someone cares about them.

If your family or friends need help or if you want to help other people, check out Catholic Charities Wheeling. It’s a place where everyone helps each other.

Testimonials and Beneficiary Stories

Catholic Charities in Wheeling makes a big difference. They have programs for kids after school. These programs give kids a safe place to learn and play.

They also give out clothes when it’s cold. This means nobody has to be cold in the winter because they can’t buy a coat.

Some people in Wheeling don’t have a home. Catholic Charities helps them find a place to live. Everyone deserves a warm and safe place to sleep.

They even help people learn English if they come from a different country. This helps them make new friends and find jobs here.

There are lots of stories about people getting better lives because of Catholic Charities. One man got help finding a job and now he can take care of his family.

A lady didn’t have any food for her kids. Catholic Charities gave her food and now her kids aren’t hungry anymore.

These stories show how Catholic Charities changes lives. People in Wheeling, Weirton, and Steubenville are all getting help.

If you see someone from Catholic Charities, you can say thanks. They do a lot to make our towns better places to live.


Catholic Charities is like a big family that helps people. They make sure no one is left out. People in Wheeling, WV who need a hand can always reach out to them.

When you help others, you make your town a nicer place for everyone. Catholic Charities shows us that working together is the best way to do big things.

If you want to learn more or help out, you can visit their website. Go to to find out how.