Our Lady Of Peace Wheeling Wv

Our Lady of Peace is a school that lots of kids in Wheeling, West Virginia, call home. It’s not just any school. It’s a special place where teachers care about each student. They help kids learn about math, science, and reading. But they also teach about being kind and helping others.

The school is part of a big church family. People go there to pray and be with friends. It’s like a big community hug. The church’s name is also Our Lady of Peace. It’s a pretty place with a big cross and lots of seats for people to sit.

It’s not far from the Ohio River that flows by Wheeling. That means some students from nearby towns like Weirton in West Virginia, or even Steubenville in Ohio, can go there too. The school is like a big welcome sign for kids from all over the area.

History of Our Lady of Peace in Wheeling, WV

Our Lady of Peace has been around for a long time. It started a while back to help kids learn and grow in their faith. The church wanted to make sure every child had a place to learn about God and the world.

A long time ago, the church decided to build a school. They worked hard and made Our Lady of Peace School. Today, it stands tall in Wheeling, welcoming new students every year. The school has become a special spot where memories are made.

Lots of families in Wheeling love Our Lady of Peace. They have fun events like fairs and picnics. These events bring everyone together. The school and church are important parts of the community. They make Wheeling a better place.

Origin and Founding

Our Lady of Peace has been in Wheeling for a long time. It started way before any of the kids there now were born. It’s a place with a lot of history.

People who wanted to make a special school and church started Our Lady of Peace. They worked really hard to build it. They wanted a place where families could learn and pray together.

Kids at Our Lady of Peace learn about God and the world. They also learn to be good to each other. The teachers show them how to work as a team.

When it was first built, the school and church were smaller. But as more families came, it grew bigger. Now it has lots of rooms for learning and praying.

Even though the school is in Wheeling, it’s important to the whole Ohio Valley. People from different places feel like it’s their home too.

Development Through the Years

Back in the 1960s, a group of people had a big idea. They wanted to start a new church and school in Wheeling. That’s how Our Lady of Peace began. They chose a peaceful spot that was perfect for their dream.

So, they started building Our Lady of Peace. It took time and lots of work. After a while, they finished the church part. People were so happy to have a new place to go to church.

Soon after, the school part was ready. It was exciting for the kids to have a new school. They were eager to make new friends and learn.

As years went by, Our Lady of Peace got even better. They added more things like a gym and library. This way, kids could play and read as well as study.

Our Lady of Peace is not just about school and church. They also have big events that bring everyone together. Families love to be a part of these fun times.

If you want to see Our Lady of Peace now, it looks pretty big! It’s because so many people loved the idea and helped it grow. It’s become a special place for families in Wheeling and all around.

Significant Events in Parish History

Today, Our Lady of Peace is a place where lots of memories are made. Kids go there to learn and play every day. Teachers help them with schoolwork and teach them about kindness and respect.

In the church, people come together to sing, pray, and help each other. They celebrate holidays and special times. It’s like a big family that always looks out for one another.

This church and school is not just a building; it’s a part of the community. It brings people from Wheeling and nearby places together. They share smiles, support each other, and create a better neighborhood for everyone.

The people at Our Lady of Peace are always thinking of ways to make things better. They work on projects to make the school and church nicer. It’s important to them that everyone feels welcome and happy there.

There’s a website where you can learn more about Our Lady of Peace. You can find it at www.olpschool.org. The website has news about what’s happening and info about how to join the fun.

Remember, Our Lady of Peace in Wheeling is more than a spot on a map. It’s a place where hearts meet, kids grow, and people find joy together. And that’s what makes it really special.

Community Impact and Services

Our Lady of Peace helps people when they need it. They give food to those who are hungry. They even have a special closet with clothes for people who might not have enough.

During holidays, Our Lady of Peace makes them extra special. They collect toys so all kids can have a present. No one is left out on Christmas.

The church helps kids learn how to be good to each other. They have groups where kids can play games and make new friends. It’s a safe place for everyone.

Our Lady of Peace also cares about keeping everyone healthy. They have days when doctors come to help. This way, families can see a doctor without worrying about the cost.

They teach everyone to look after our earth, too. There are projects where people plant trees and flowers. It makes the neighborhood look pretty and helps the planet.

Our Lady of Peace is not just for people in Wheeling. It’s for neighbors in Weirton and Steubenville too. They invite everyone to join and feel the love of their community.

Educational Programs

Our Lady of Peace is also a place where people can get help when they need it. They have a food pantry for when families are having a tough time. No one in Wheeling has to go hungry because they’re there to help.

Every year, they have a big sale called a ‘rummage sale’. It’s like a giant garage sale where people can buy things they need at low prices. The money they make goes back to helping the community.

Sometimes, students and teachers work on projects to help the Earth. They plant trees and flowers around the school. This makes the air cleaner and the city prettier for everyone.

If you ever get hurt or feel sick, Our Lady of Peace can help. They host health fairs with doctors and nurses who give check-ups. They make sure families in Wheeling stay healthy.

Sports are big at Our Lady of Peace too. They have teams for kids to join and play games like soccer and basketball. Playing sports is a fun way for kids to stay active and make new friends.

During the holidays, the church and school come together to spread cheer. They collect toys and clothes to give to kids who might not get much for Christmas. This way, every child can have a special holiday.

Our Lady of Peace is not just a place for learning and praying. It’s also a center for caring and sharing with others. It’s about making life better for the people in Wheeling and around.

Outreach and Charitable Works

Our Lady of Peace has programs for old people, too. They can hang out, play games, and talk in a place just for them. It’s nice because it keeps them busy and they can make friends.

They teach kids how to be good with money. There is a special club where they learn to save money and spend it wisely. This helps them when they grow up and have to handle money on their own.

Some people at Our Lady of Peace help you if you want to find a job. They teach you how to write a resume and do good in a job interview. They even help find clothes for the interview.

Our Lady of Peace also cares about animals. They teach everyone how important it is to be kind to animals and take good care of them. Sometimes they even bring in animals for people to meet.

Every now and then, the community comes together to clean up parks and streets. This helps the city look clean and everyone feels proud of their town. Plus, it’s a great way to meet neighbors and work together.

When someone’s house gets damaged by a storm, Our Lady of Peace tries to help them fix it. They collect money and supplies to help people rebuild their homes. This way, families can feel safe and happy again.

The school has a bus that picks up kids so they don’t have to walk too far. This is really helpful when it’s cold or raining. Parents know their kids can get to school and back home safely.

Role in the Local Community

Our Lady of Peace in Wheeling, WV does a lot for families. They give out food to those who need it. Every week, people can come get fruits, veggies, and other foods so they don’t go hungry.

They also look after folks who are sick or old at home. Friendly visitors come by to check on them, help out around the house, or just chat. This makes people feel cared for and not so alone.

There’s a place for moms and dads to learn about raising kids. They talk about how to teach kids good manners and how to deal with tough behavior. It’s good for parents to have help and ideas.

When the weather gets really cold, Our Lady of Peace opens its doors. They let people come in, get warm, and rest. They’ll give you a blanket and a hot drink too.

Around the holidays, things get extra fun. They put on plays and concerts for everyone to enjoy. It’s a way to celebrate together and make special memories.

They don’t forget about birthdays. They throw little parties for kids who might not have one. This way, every kid can feel special on their big day.

Classes help people learn new things, like cooking or fixing stuff. This can make life easier and even help you get a better job.

Our Lady of Peace Today

Our Lady of Peace in Wheeling is a busy place! They have a cool program where kids can play sports. It’s free so everyone can join the fun. Kids get to run around and learn about teamwork.

They also help with homework. Volunteers are there after school to help kids with reading, math, and more. It’s a great spot for kids to do well in school.

For folks who don’t have much money, Our Lady of Peace has a thrift store. You can find clothes and things for your house that don’t cost a lot. This helps families save their money for other important stuff.

They care about health too. Sometimes they have health fairs where people can learn how to stay healthy. Doctors talk to families and even do check-ups.

In summer, they have camps for kids. These camps are packed with games, learning, and new friends. It’s a chance for kids to have a blast during the break.

They also remember people who might be sad or lonely. There’s a group that sends cards and makes calls to cheer them up.

Our Lady of Peace is a big part of Wheeling. They share a lot of love and try to make life better for people living there.

Modern Parish Life

Our Lady of Peace loves to help people get moving. They have sports for kids like soccer and basketball. It’s good for fun and staying healthy.

They know school is important. That’s why they give kids a place to do their homework with friends. And if school is tough, there are tutors to help.

For grown-ups, they have meetings where they can talk about work and life. It’s nice to share ideas and get advice from others.

Summer is special at Our Lady of Peace. They have camps for kids with all kinds of activities. Everyone gets to play, create arts and crafts, and make new friends.

They care about safety too. Our Lady of Peace teaches families how to be ready for emergencies like storms or power outages. Knowing what to do can keep everyone safe.

For those who don’t have a car, Our Lady of Peace sometimes gives rides. This can be for doctor visits or even to the grocery store.

Physical Structure and Renovations

Our Lady of Peace doesn’t forget about holidays. They make them fun for families. Easter, Christmas, and other big days have parties and events for everyone.

They also share food with people who need it. If a family is having a hard time, they can get meals. This helps them not worry about what to eat.

Music and singing are a big deal too. There are choirs for kids and grown-ups. It’s a way to make friends and enjoy tunes together.

Our Lady of Peace also thinks about pets. They have days when vets come to check on animals. Keeping pets healthy is important for families.

For those interested in the stars and planets, they have a club. Kids can learn about space and maybe see stars through a telescope. It’s a cool way to learn about the sky.

Future Plans and Vision

Our Lady of Peace School in Wheeling, WV, is all about learning and fun. Kids go to class, play sports, and do art projects. They learn reading, math, and lots of other subjects.

Teachers at Our Lady of Peace really care. They help every student and make sure no one falls behind. This makes school a happy place for kids.

The church at Our Lady of Peace is big and welcoming. Families come to pray, learn, and be with friends. It’s a place where people feel loved and safe.

They have a group for kids after school, too. Here, students do homework and play games. It’s a nice spot for kids to stay until their parents pick them up.

Safety is a top priority. The school and church have rules to protect everyone. They practice staying safe so kids and families don’t have to worry.


Our Lady of Peace in Wheeling, WV shows that school and church can be like a second family. It gives kids and families a place to grow and learn together.

Everyone gets to join in fun events and make new friends. From school plays to church picnics, there’s always something exciting going on.

If you want to find out more about Our Lady of Peace, check out their website by clicking here. You’ll find lots of information about the school, church, and events.

Remember, Our Lady of Peace is more than just a school or a church. It’s a community that cares for each other in Wheeling, WV, and that’s what makes it special.