Koury Jones Obituary Wheeling Wv

Saying goodbye is never easy. In Wheeling, WV, the town feels a bit smaller as friends and family remember Koury Jones. Koury lived a life full of smiles, helping hands, and kind words for everyone.

In the heart of the Ohio Valley, Wheeling is a place where everyone’s roots grow deep, and Koury’s story is a big part of that. From football games to fishing at Wheeling Creek, his spirit touched many corners of the town.

The news of Koury’s passing has left many in Wheeling, and its neighboring cities Weirton, WV, and Steubenville, OH, reflecting on the joy he brought into their lives. It’s a time to share stories and celebrate the memories that Koury left behind.

Life and Legacy of Koury Jones

Koury was known for his love of the great outdoors. He often took trips to Oglebay Park to enjoy nature. Many remember his big laugh echoing through the trees.

He also cared a lot about animals. Koury volunteered at the Wheeling animal shelter. He helped many pets find new homes.

As a big brother, Koury taught his siblings to be strong and kind. He was their hero. Koury’s family in Wheeling, Weirton, and Steubenville will miss him very much.

Around the holidays, Koury played Santa for kids in the valley. His jolly ‘Ho Ho Ho’ made everyone’s spirits bright. People will miss his warmth and cheer.

Koury’s friends have set up a website to share photos and stories. If you want to remember Koury, you can visit www.rememberingkouryjones.com.

Early Life in Wheeling, WV

Koury Jones was a friendly face around Wheeling. He was born here and went to the local schools. Many people knew him as a good student and a great friend.

He played on the high school football team and loved cheering for the Wheeling Nailers. Koury was proud of his town and always had a fun fact to share about Wheeling’s history.

Koury worked at a grocery store and always remembered everyone’s name. He made people laugh in the checkout line and was kind to those who needed help. His co-workers say the store won’t be the same without him.

He also gave his time to help at the animal shelter. Koury loved dogs and often took them for walks along the river. He wanted every pet to find a home.

When he wasn’t busy, Koury liked to fish and hang out at Wheeling Park. He had many friends and loved having picnics with them. They’ll miss his jokes and the good times they shared.

Everyone in Wheeling, Weirton, and Steubenville will remember Koury. They’ll think of him when they walk by the places he loved. His laugh and big heart left a mark on the Ohio Valley.

Contributions to the Wheeling Community

Even though Koury was young, he did a lot for others. He was nice to everyone and people in Wheeling will not forget that. His smile made even the worst days better.

At holidays, Koury would volunteer to feed people without a home. He wanted to make sure everyone had a warm meal and a friendly chat. His kindness spread joy in the community.

He also liked history and learned a lot about Wheeling’s past. Koury would talk to older people and share their stories. He believed it was important to remember where we came from.

Koury’s family was very important to him. He helped his parents around the house and played games with his younger sister. They all looked up to him and felt his love every day.

His teachers say he was a hard worker and a good student. He helped classmates with homework and was always ready to lend a hand. Koury’s friends at school will miss him a lot.

The community is planning to do something special to remember Koury. They want everyone to know about the boy who made a difference in Wheeling. His life and legacy will stay in their hearts forever.

Personal Achievements and Recognitions

Koury loved sports and played on the local soccer team. He always played fair and encouraged his teammates. People cheered for him not just because he scored goals, but because he was a true friend on the field.

He also had a green thumb and took care of a garden. Koury grew flowers and veggies and shared them with neighbors. His garden was like a bright spot in Wheeling, full of life and colors.

Animals were special to Koury too. He volunteered at the animal shelter and cared for pets that needed homes. His gentle way with animals showed his big heart.

Some of his school projects helped the town. He worked on cleaning up parks and painting fences. Koury wanted to make Wheeling a pretty place for everyone.

Koury’s spirit touched many lives in Wheeling. People who knew him say they want to be kind like Koury. He showed us that even one person’s actions can make a big difference.

Koury Jones’ Impact on the Local Community

When there was a big snow, Koury was there to help. He shoveled paths for those who couldn’t do it themselves. His help gave people a safe way to walk around Wheeling in the winter.

Koury also helped out during the holidays. He gave out warm meals to people who needed them. It made the season brighter for lots of folks.

He was the kind of kid who said hello to everyone. Koury’s smile made people’s day better. Friends say that his friendliness was a gift to the community.

Teachers talk about how Koury was a star in class. He worked hard and helped other kids with their schoolwork. Koury set a good example for other students to follow.

His family remembers Koury’s big dreams. He wanted to do things that would help his town grow. Koury’s love for Wheeling will be remembered by many.

Philanthropic Efforts

Koury had a gift for making people laugh. When his friends or family felt sad, he knew just what to say. His jokes and smiles were a light in Wheeling.

He cared about learning and was a star at school. Koury did his homework and helped others learn too. Teachers said he was a joy in class.

Koury also liked to help at the local food bank. He gave food to people who were hungry. This made sure they had meals, which was very important to him.

On holidays, Koury and his family would sing at the seniors’ home. The old songs made the seniors happy. It was a special thing that Koury loved to do.

Business Ventures in Wheeling

Koury Jones was more than just a student in Wheeling. He also played on his school’s soccer team. His team worked hard and won many games because Koury never gave up.

He loved animals and spent time at the animal shelter. Koury walked dogs and cuddled with cats. Even after a long day, he always went to help the animals.

In the winter, Koury shoveled snow for his neighbors. He made sure the sidewalks were safe to walk on. People in Wheeling knew they could count on him.

He loved the Ohio River, and he taught little kids to care for it. They picked up trash together, keeping the river clean. Koury wanted the water and fish to be healthy.

When there was a big flood, Koury and his family helped others. They shared their home and food. They made sure no one was left alone during tough times.

Community Projects and Initiatives

Koury Jones was known for his big heart in Wheeling, WV. He always helped people when they were sad or sick. His smile made their day a little brighter.

He was good at making things and often fixed bikes for kids in the neighborhood. When a bike was broken, Koury was there to help. He wanted everyone to enjoy riding like he did.

Every Thanksgiving, Koury and his family cooked meals for people who didn’t have much food. They delivered turkey and pies to many homes. His friends said this was his favorite day because he loved to see people happy.

Koury was also part of a group that planted trees around Wheeling. The group worked every spring and fall. People now enjoy shade and beautiful trees, thanks to Koury’s hard work.

Remembering Koury Jones

Koury Jones will be remembered for his love for sports, especially football. He played in Wheeling’s youth leagues and cheered for the local high school teams. His cheers were the loudest at the games.

In the winter, Koury volunteered at the ice rink in Wheeling Park. He tied skates for little kids and taught them how to glide on the ice. Everyone said he was a patient teacher.

Koury loved animals too. He walked dogs at the animal shelter and always had treats in his pockets. He made sure they felt loved until they found homes.

For Koury, friends were like family. He remembered everyone’s birthday and made sure to call or send a card. His friends knew they could count on him to make their special day better.

Most of all, Koury will be remembered for his kindness. He showed us how one person can make a big difference in a city like Wheeling. We will miss Koury very much.

Memorial Services in Wheeling, WV

Koury loved playing basketball with friends at the local park. Even when his team lost, he would say, “Good game” and mean it. His sportsmanship was a lesson for us all.

In the summer, Koury was the one who’d throw a block party. He’d get permission, set up grills, and make sure there was music for everyone. It was his way of bringing joy to the neighborhood.

He cared a lot about animals too. Koury would build birdhouses and set up little free libraries so people could read and learn about nature. His projects made the community a brighter place.

For those who knew him, Koury’s laugh was infectious. It could turn a bad day into a good one. Now, when we hear laughter, it reminds us of him and makes us smile too.

Tributes from Family and Friends

Koury was also a huge fan of Wheeling’s history. He could spend hours at the Kruger Street Toy & Doll Museum, looking at all the old toys. He always wanted to learn more about the past.

During holidays, Koury liked to help out at the soup kitchen in Wheeling. He felt it was important to give back. He’d serve food and sit with people, sharing stories and listening to theirs. It was his way of spreading kindness.

Many remember him walking his dog along the river trail. He always had a pocket full of treats for any dogs he met. People would stop to chat, and Koury would share tips on the best spots to visit in Wheeling.

Legacy left behind

Koury Jones was known for his bright smile and friendly wave. He grew up in Wheeling, WV, and loved his hometown. People in town knew him well. He was always ready to lend a hand or tell a funny joke.

Koury did a lot for kids in the area. He coached Little League baseball for years. Even if a kid wasn’t good at sports, Koury made sure they had fun. He believed every child deserved to play and enjoy the game.

His family and friends will miss Koury a lot. They plan to honor him by keeping his spirit alive. They’ll do this by being kind and helping others, just like he did.


Wheeling, WV has lost a great person. Koury Jones was more than just a name in the obituaries. He was part of our community’s heart.

It’s hard to say goodbye. But we can keep Koury’s memory alive. We can share stories, smile at our neighbors, and help when we can. That’s what Koury would have wanted.

Let’s keep playing baseball, telling jokes, and being friendly. That’s how we’ll remember Koury, and that’s how we’ll make him proud.

Thank you, Koury, for all the joy you brought to Wheeling. We won’t forget you.